About Program

The program taught under the Department of Political Science and Public Administration at the Institute of Social Sciences. This program aims to provide the students that have undergraduate backgrounds not only of Political Science and Public Administration but also of various disciplines with the ability of studying and doing research on administrative issues as structure and functions of state organization, administration fact, related ‘public’. Administrative Sciences Master and Doctorate Programs launched in 1993. Administrative Science Postgraduate Program provides necessary inputs from economics politics, history fields and it focuses to analyse administrative facts and processes. In this context subject are opened to provide students that develop knowledges about theory and method issues; learn administrative behaviours, power and authority issues; expand research abilitiy with regard administrative process as planning and reform, institutional dimension such as bureaucracy, civil administration system, regulatory agencies. Subjects can be strengthened choosing subjects of  other postgraduate programs as local governments and state theories. Compulsory subjects are Public Administration Discipline Issues, Public Organisation, Turkish Administrative History, Structural and Functional Issues of Public Administration, Public Personnel System, Modern Administrative Theories, Bureaucracy and Bureaucratic Elite, Public Administration and Reform. In addition to subjects, there are also seminars provided to deepen a specific matter.


The program provides necessary inputs from economics, public finance, politics and history fields and it allows to analyse administrative facts and processes. The program aims to develop capacity of students to access knowledge; evaluate and interpret knowledge. In this context this program aims to develop  knowledges about theory and method issues; learn administrative behaviours, power and authority issues; expand research ability with regard administrative process as planning and reform, institutional dimension as bureaucracy, civil administration system, regulatory agencies. Also it targets that students acquire a critical perspective using academic knowledges and skills.

Summary of Program Outcomes


  1. Students possess knowledges about theory and practice in the field of Public Administration.
  2. Students possess ability of develop and deepen actual informations at an expert level. Also they obtain capacity of accessibility original descriptions.
  3. Students can independently pursue a research that requires expertise in the field.
  4. Students contribute solutions of social, scientific, cultural, and ethical issues at national and international levels.
  5. Students can analyse social relations and norms guiding these relations with a critical perspective

Education Language


Academic Staff

Head of Sub-Department
Prof. Dr. Barış ÖVGÜN
E-mail : bovgun@politics.ankara.edu.tr
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Prof. Dr. Kıvılcım ERTAN
E-mail : ertank@ankara.edu.tr
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Prof. Dr. Arif Burhanettin KOCAMAN
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Prof. Dr. Koray KARASU
E-mail : karasu@politics.ankara.edu.tr
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Associate Prof. Dr. Ozan ZENGİN
E-mail : ozengin@politics.ankara.edu.tr
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