About Program

Forensic psychology, in its simplest form, is defined as the application of psychological knowledge to issues and questions related to law and the justice system. With its broader definition (APA, 2013); It refers to the field of professional practice in which a psychologist working in any subfield of psychology (e.g., clinical, developmental, social, cognitive) uses his or her specialized knowledge and scientific and technical methods of psychology to help resolve legal, contractual, or administrative issues. Forensic psychology, one of the important fields of applied psychology, includes the application of different psychological research and findings on issues such as eyewitness testimony related to the law and justice system, statement taking strategies, crime, justice, and rehabilitation of criminals. At the same time, it serves the purposes of determining criminal liability, reducing the risk of wrongful conviction, and protecting the decision-making autonomy of defendants.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Mission: The mission of the Forensic psychology Department is to enhance the understanding of behavior along with cognitive and emotional aspects, and to contribute the application of evidence based psychological findings in forensic settings. Students will learn to apply psychological methods to investigate psychology in forensic settings 
Vision: The Forensic Psychology Department aspires to excel as a valuable and influential agency in advancing the psychological knowledge and findings in forensic contexts and the translation of psychology and legal expertise into practice and policy.                                                                                                                                                                                                     

PhD in Forensic psychology; the students having graduated  from Psychology Bachelor’s Degree and Master Degree in Psychology are accepted.


To grow up graduated from the programme sensitive to the ethical principles, able to integrate with the application of theoretical knowledge, able to use modern psychological techniques, open minded to self development, respectful to different ideas and able to think critical; PhD in Forensic Psychology is maintained. 

Summary of Program Outcomes


Education Language


Academic Staff

Head of Sub-Department
Prof. Dr. Gülbahar BAŞTUĞ
E-mail : bbastug@medicine.ankara.edu.tr
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