Course Information

Course Information
Course Title Code Semester L+U Hour Credits ECTS
ASIAN ARCHAEOLOGY PRT306 6. Semester 2 + 0 2.0 4.0

Prerequisites None

Language of Instruction Turkish
Course Level Bachelor's Degree
Course Type Compulsory
Mode of delivery
Course Coordinator
Goals .Explaining the characteristics of Caucasus and Central Asian cultures and their relations with the Near East and Anatolia.
Course Content . To examine the material remains of Caucasian and Central Asian cultures and to make their comparisons with historical developments.
Learning Outcomes 1) It examines the Caucasian and Central Asian cultures in all its aspects from From the Neolithic Age until the end of the First Millennium B.C.
2) It reveals the relations and interactions of these cultures with other cultures of Anatolia as well as other.
3) It discusses developing cultures in particular in the regions and their specific architectural, artistic and religious belief systems.

Weekly Topics (Content)
Week Topics Teaching and Learning Methods and Techniques Study Materials
1. Week Natural environment and first settlements in the Caucasus. Problem Solving

Problem Based Learning; Storyline
Homework Activity (Web Search, Library Work, Trip, Observation, Interview etc.)
2. Week Neolithic and Chalcolithic Age settlements in the Caucasus, archaeological evidence. Question Answer
Brainstorming; Opinion Pool
Storyline; Brain Based Learning
Report (Including Preparation and presentation Time)
3. Week Early Transcaucasian cities, cultural interactions. Problem Solving; Discussion
Brainstorming; Opinion Pool
Brain Based Learning
Homework Report (Including Preparation and presentation Time) Activity (Web Search, Library Work, Trip, Observation, Interview etc.)
4. Week Urbanization, graves and cemeteries in the Middle and Late Bronze Age. Lecture; Problem Solving
Opinion Pool
Problem Based Learning; Storyline
Homework Report (Including Preparation and presentation Time)
5. Week Kurgans and their finds. Lecture; Discussion
Opinion Pool
Problem Based Learning; Storyline; Brain Based Learning
Homework Report (Including Preparation and presentation Time)
6. Week Caucasus cultures in the Iron Age (Urartu). Question Answer; Problem Solving
Brain Based Learning
Homework Report (Including Preparation and presentation Time) Activity (Web Search, Library Work, Trip, Observation, Interview etc.)
7. Week Natural environment in Central Asia during the first settlement period. Problem Solving
Opinion Pool
Storyline; Brain Based Learning
Homework Activity (Web Search, Library Work, Trip, Observation, Interview etc.)
8. Week Aceramic Neolithic settlements in Central Asia. Question Answer; Problem Solving
Brainstorming; Opinion Pool
Problem Based Learning; Storyline; Brain Based Learning
Homework Report (Including Preparation and presentation Time)
9. Week Central Asian (Anav I-II) cultures in the Ceramic Neolithic Age. Problem Solving
Problem Based Learning
Homework Report (Including Preparation and presentation Time)
10. Week Characteristics of Namazgah II- III cultures. Lecture
Problem Based Learning; Storyline
Homework Report (Including Preparation and presentation Time)
11. Week Relations with Harappa and Indus cultures. Lecture
Opinion Pool
Brain Based Learning
Homework Report (Including Preparation and presentation Time)
12. Week Relations with Central Asian cultures, neighboring cultures and Mesopotamia in the Old Bronze Age. Question Answer
Opinion Pool
Homework Report (Including Preparation and presentation Time)
13. Week Central Asian cultures in Middle Bronze Age and related to environmental cultures. Lecture
Opinion Pool
Problem Based Learning
Homework Report (Including Preparation and presentation Time)
14. Week Development and relations of Central Asian cultures in Late Bronze Age. Problem Solving
Opinion Pool
Problem Based Learning
Homework Report (Including Preparation and presentation Time)

Sources Used in This Course
Recommended Sources
K. Kushnareva, The southern Caucasus in prehistory : stages of cultural and socioecon, Philadelphia 1997
G.L. Possehl ( Trans. H.N.Michael), Altın Depe. Pennsylvania, 1988
J. Davis- Kimball v.d., Kurgans, Ritual Sites, and Settlements Eurasian Bronze and Iron Age. Oxford, 2000
M. Masson, V.I. Sarianidi ( çev. Faruk. M. Bingöl ),Orta Asya, Ufuk Ötesi Yayınları, 2008.
P. L. Kohl, “Central Asia and the Caucasus in the Bronze Age” Civilizations of the Ancient Near East (Ed. J. M. Sasson vd.) New York, 1995, p. 1051- 1065
P. L. Kohl, Central Asia, Paleolithic Beginnings to the Iron Age. Paris, 1984
V. Sarianidi, Gonurdepe, Türkmenistan. Aşgabat, 2006

Relations with Education Attainment Program Course Competencies
Program RequirementsContribution LevelDK1DK2DK3

*DK = Course's Contrubution.
0 1 2 3 4 5
Level of contribution None Very Low Low Fair High Very High

ECTS credits and course workload
Event Quantity Duration (Hour) Total Workload (Hour)
Course Duration (Total weeks*Hours per week) 14 2
Work Hour outside Classroom (Preparation, strengthening) 16 4
Midterm Exam 1 2
Time to prepare for Midterm Exam 1 10
Final Exam 1 2
Time to prepare for Final Exam 1 10
Total Workload
Total Workload / 30 (s)
ECTS Credit of the Course
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