Course Information

Course Information
Course Title Code Semester L+U Hour Credits ECTS
HELLENISTIC AND ROMAN POTTERY KLA328 6. Semester 4 + 0 4.0 6.0

Prerequisites None

Language of Instruction Turkish
Course Level Bachelor's Degree
Course Type Compulsory
Mode of delivery
Course Coordinator
Goals The aim of the course is to present the major Hellenistic and Roman pottery workshops and groups and to focus on their evaluations.
Course Content The content of the course includes the technical aspects of the production of the major Hellenistic and Roman pottery, groups and workshops, their production centres and general evaluations.
Learning Outcomes 1) Clay, as material of production, pottery industry, production stages, running a pottery workshop, painting and decoration techniques.
2) Principal shapes and names of Greek pottery, function and their context.
3) Inscriptions and graffiti on vases and pottery sherds, their context and meaning.
4) Hellenistic and Roman pottery as trade commodity, value.
5) Major Groups and Workshops of Hellenistic and Roman Pottery.

Weekly Topics (Content)
Week Topics Teaching and Learning Methods and Techniques Study Materials
1. Week Introduction: Materials and technical aspects of the production of decorated pottery: The lecture deals with the production stages. Shapes, names and function of the vases, context and meaning: The lecture aims to present an introduction to shapes of the Greek vases as well as their functions according to their context. Lecture; Discussion
Brain Based Learning
Presentation (Including Preparation Time)
2. Week South Italian Red Figure and Gnathia Workshop Lecture; Discussion
Brain Based Learning
Presentation (Including Preparation Time)
3. Week Centuripe Necropolis in Italy - Centuripe Vases Hadra Necropolis in Alexandria-Egypt - Hadra Vases Lecture; Discussion
Brain Based Learning
Presentation (Including Preparation Time)
4. Week Athenian Moulded Bowls (So-called “Megara Bowls”) Lecture; Discussion
Brain Based Learning
Presentation (Including Preparation Time)
5. Week “West Slope” Pottery Lecture; Discussion
Brain Based Learning
Presentation (Including Preparation Time)
6. Week Lagynoi and Helenistic Common Pottery Lecture; Discussion
Brain Based Learning
Presentation (Including Preparation Time)
7. Week Hellenistic terracotta lamps Lecture; Discussion
Brain Based Learning
Presentation (Including Preparation Time)
8. Week Hellenistic amphoras Lecture; Discussion
Brain Based Learning
Presentation (Including Preparation Time)
9. Week Midterm exam Lecture
Brain Based Learning
Presentation (Including Preparation Time)
10. Week Rise of Rome: Italic - Western Sigillatta, Lead-Glazed Pottery Lecture; Discussion
Brain Based Learning
Presentation (Including Preparation Time)
11. Week Eastern Sigillata, A. B. C. Pontic Sigillata Pottery Miscellaneous Sigillata Groups Lecture; Discussion
Brain Based Learning
Presentation (Including Preparation Time)
12. Week African Red-Slip Wares – Phochae Red-Slip Pottery (LRC) Lecture; Discussion
Brain Based Learning
Presentation (Including Preparation Time)
13. Week Roman Lamps Lecture; Discussion
Brain Based Learning
Presentation (Including Preparation Time)
14. Week Roman Amphoras Lecture; Discussion
Brain Based Learning
Presentation (Including Preparation Time)

Sources Used in This Course
Recommended Sources
Bernardini, M. 1960, Lecce Museo Provinciale " S. Castromediano " Vasi dello stile di Gnathia. Vasi a vernice nera.
Charleston, R. J. 1997, Roman Pottery (London, England: Faber).
Forti, L. 1965, La ceramica di Gnathia, (Naples).
Fulford, Michael and David Peacock. 1984. The Avenue du President Habib Bourguiba, Salambo: The Pottery and Other Ceramic Objects from the Site Excavations at Carthage: The British mission 1.2. Sheffield.
Green, J. R. 1976, Gnathian Pottery in the Akademisches Kunstmuseum Bonn, (Mainz).
Green, J.R. 1968, " Some Painters of Gnathia Vases ", Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies of the University of London, 34-50.
Green, J.R. 1986, “Some Gnathian Pottrey in the J. Paul Getty Museum, Greek Vases in J. Paul Getty Museum vol. 2-.3.
Greene, Kevin. 2007. “Late Hellenistic and Early Roman lead-glazed pottery,” American Journal of Archaeology 111: 653-671.
Hayes, John. 1972. Late Roman Pottery. Rome.
Hayes, John. 1980. A Supplement to Late Roman Pottery. London.
Hayes, John. 2008. Roman pottery. Fine-ware Imports The Athenian agora: results of excavations conducted by the American School of Classical Studies at Athens 32. Princeton.
Kenrick, Philip. 1985. Excavation at Sidi Khrebish Benghazi (Berenice). Volume III, 1Supplements to Libya Antiqua 5. Tripoli.
Ladstätter, Sabine and Roman Sauer. 2005. “Late Roman C-Ware und lokale spätantike Feinware aus Ephesos” in Friedrich Krinzinger (ed.), Spätantike und mittelalterliche Keramik aus Ephesos, Wein: 143-201.
Loeschke, Sigfried. 1912. “Sigillata-Töpferein in Tschandarli,” Athenische Mitteilungen 37: 344-407.
Lund, John. 2003. “Eastern Sigillata B: a ceramic fine ware industry in the political and commercial landscape of the Eastern Mediterranean” in Catherine Abadie-Reynal (ed.), Les Ceramique en Anatolie aux Epoques Hellenistique et Romaine, Paris: 125-136.
Mackensen, Michael. 1993. Die Spätantiken Sigillata- und Lampentopöpferen von El Mahrine (Nordtunisien) Münchner Beiträge sur Vor- und Frühgeschichte 50. Munich.
Rotroff, S.I. 1991, " Attic West Slope Vase Painting ", Hesperia 60, 59-102.
Rotroff, S.I., 1982, Hellenistic Pottery: Athenian and Imported Bowls: 22 (The Athenian Agora), American School of Classical Studies at Athens, New Jersey.
Slane, Kathleen. 1997. “The fine wares” in Sharon Herbert (ed.), Tel Anafa II,i, Ann Arbor: 247-416.

Relations with Education Attainment Program Course Competencies
Program RequirementsContribution LevelDK1DK2DK3DK4DK5

*DK = Course's Contrubution.
0 1 2 3 4 5
Level of contribution None Very Low Low Fair High Very High

ECTS credits and course workload
Event Quantity Duration (Hour) Total Workload (Hour)
Course Duration (Total weeks*Hours per week) 14 4
Work Hour outside Classroom (Preparation, strengthening) 14 4
Midterm Exam 1 2
Time to prepare for Midterm Exam 1 30
Final Exam 1 2
Time to prepare for Final Exam 1 30
Total Workload
Total Workload / 30 (s)
ECTS Credit of the Course
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