Course Information

Course Information
Course Title Code Semester L+U Hour Credits ECTS
QUR'ANIC EXEGESIS IV İLH407 7. Semester 2 + 0 2.0 3.0

Prerequisites None

Language of Instruction Arabic
Course Level Bachelor's Degree
Course Type Compulsory
Mode of delivery
Course Coordinator
Instructors İsmail ÇALIŞKAN
Goals To provide information about individual, family and social morality issues, and parables of the Qur'an, which one of the main topics of the Qur'an, starting from the related books and Qur’anic commentaries
Course Content By combining the knowledge of tafsir and tafsir, it is possible to interpret the various sections selected from the Qur'an as the continuation of Tafsir I, in parallel with the interpretations of the various tafsir sources, and in this way, the sections of the "Qur'an Reading and Tecvid"
Learning Outcomes 1) The students acquire skill to know the methods of translating sample texts of tafsir resources and verses of the Qur’ân, and to interpret, assess, research through this data that they acquired by retracing the first hand resources . ;
2) The students know the Tafsirs and translations of the verses related to universal prenciples which let the societies rise up and build civilisation.;
3) Monitors the developments in the field and communicates with peers by using a foreign language at least at a level of European Language Portfolio B1 General Level
4) Posseses the basic knowledge, notions, views and historical periods in the classical islamic sciences.
5) Possesses the skill of studying interdisciplinary

Weekly Topics (Content)
Week Topics Teaching and Learning Methods and Techniques Study Materials
1. Week Individual morality in the Qur'an Lecture; Question Answer; Discussion
Brain Based Learning
2. Week Family ethics in the Quran Lecture; Question Answer
Brainstorming; Colloquium
Brain Based Learning
Homework Presentation (Including Preparation Time)
3. Week Social morality in the Qur'an Lecture; Question Answer
Brain Based Learning
Homework Presentation (Including Preparation Time)
4. Week To read Isra 17/23-39 verses related with the individual, family and social morality from the Qur'anic commentary of Ibn Jawzi - I Lecture; Question Answer
Brainstorming; Colloquium
Brain Based Learning
Homework Presentation (Including Preparation Time)
5. Week To read Isra 17/23-39 verses related with the individual, family and social morality from the Qur'anic commentary of Ibn Jawzi - II Lecture; Question Answer
Brain Based Learning
Homework Presentation (Including Preparation Time)
6. Week To read Isra 17/23-39 verses related with the individual, family and social morality from the Qur'anic commentary of Ibn Jawzi - III Lecture; Question Answer
Brain Based Learning
Homework Presentation (Including Preparation Time)
7. Week To read A'raf 7/85-93 verses related with the destruction of Madyan people who violate the honesty principle in dimensions and weight from the Qur’anic exegesis of Sabuunee Lecture; Question Answer
Brain Based Learning
Homework Presentation (Including Preparation Time)
8. Week Worships in the Qur'an (prayers, alms, fasting, pilgrimage) Lecture; Question Answer
Brainstorming; Colloquium
Brain Based Learning
Homework Presentation (Including Preparation Time)
9. Week Parables in the Qur'an (the parables of the first prophets, the parables about some tribes were destroyed, the parables about the Israelites) Lecture; Question Answer
Brain Based Learning
Homework Seminar
10. Week Reading Hud 11/25-49 verses about the parable of the Prophet Noah’s tribe which one of the destroyed tribes from the Qur’anic commentary of Ibn Kathir - I Lecture; Question Answer
Colloquium; Debate
Brain Based Learning
Homework Presentation (Including Preparation Time)
11. Week Reading Hud 11/25-49 verses about the parable of the Prophet Noah’s tribe which one of the destroyed tribes from the Qur’anic commentary of Ibn Kathir - II Lecture; Question Answer
Brainstorming; Colloquium
Brain Based Learning
Homework Presentation (Including Preparation Time)
12. Week The Content Of Maccah Revelation, The Analysis Of Tafsir And Method. The Theoretical Dimension Of Qur’ân: Belief And Moral - The belief in prophet. the text of tafsir related to the subject. Lecture; Question Answer
Brainstorming; Debate
Brain Based Learning
Homework Presentation (Including Preparation Time)
13. Week The Content Of Maccah Revelation, The Analysis Of Tafsir And Method. The Theoretical Dimension Of Qur’ân: Belief And Moral - The belief in afterlife. To Tell The Subject Theoretically. Lecture; Question Answer
Brain Based Learning
Homework Presentation (Including Preparation Time)
14. Week The Content Of Maccah Revelation, The Analysis Of Tafsir And Method. The Theoretical Dimension Of Qur’ân: Belief And Moral - The belief in afterlife. the text of tafsir related to the subject. Lecture; Question Answer
Brain Based Learning
Homework Presentation (Including Preparation Time)

Sources Used in This Course
Recommended Sources
1. es-Sâbûnî, Safvetü’t-Tefasir, I-III, Beyrut 1981. 2. es-Sâbûnî, Revaiü'l-beyân fî tefsiri ayati'l-ahkâm mine'l-Kur'ân, I-II, Dımaşk 1980. 3. Fahruddîn er-Râzî, Mefâtîhu’l-Ğayb, I-XXXII, Beyrut 1990. 4. el-Mâtürîdî, Te’vîlâtü’l-Kur’ân, I-XVI, İstanbul 2005. 5. İbn Kesir, Tefsîru’l-Kur’âni’l-Azîm, I-IV, Beyrut 1969. 6. el-Bursevî, Rûhu’l-beyân fî tefsîri’l-Kur’ân, I-X, İstanbul 1969. 7. Ebû’s-Suûd, İrşâdu’l-akli’s-selîm ilâ mezâyâ’l-Kitâbi’l-Kerîm. 8. et-Taberî, Câmiu’l-Beyân an Te’vîli Âyi’l-Kur’ân, I-XXX, Kahire 1954. 9. el-Beyzâvî, Envâru’t-Tenzîl ve esrâru’t-te’vîl, I-II, İstanbul 1886. 10. Mukâtil b. Süleymân, Tefsiru Mukatil b. Süleyman, I-V, Kahire 1979. 11. ez-Zemahşerî, el-Keşşâf, I-IV, Beyrut 1983. 12. el-Cessâs, Ahkâmu’l-Kur’ân, I-IV, Beyrut 1985. 13. Ebû Hayyân, el-Bahru’l-Muhît 14. Ettafeyyiş, Himyânu’z-zâd fî hedyi hayri’l-ıbâd ilâ dâri’l-meâd 15. el-Hâzin, Lübâbu’t-te’vîl fî maânî’t-Tenzîl 16. el-Hevvârî, Tefsîru Kitâbillâhi’l-Azîz 17. İbn Arabî, Tefsîru’l-Kur’ân 18. İbnu’l-Arabî, Ahkâmu’l-Kur’ân 19. el-Kâdî Abdulcebbâr, Tenzîhu’l-Kur’ân ani’l-metâin 20. el-Kurtubî, el-Câmi’ li Ahkâmi’l-Kur’ân 21. en-Nehhâs, Maânî’l-Kur’ân 22. en-Nesefî, Medâriku’t-Tenzîl ve hakâiku’t-te’vîl, 23. eş-Şâfiî, Ahkâmu’l-Kur’ân 24. eş-Şevkânî, Fethu’l-Kadîr 25. et-Tabersî, Mecmau’l-beyân 26. et-Tûsî, et-Tibyânu’l-câmi’ li ulûmi’l-Kur’ân 27. İsmail Cerrahoğlu, Tefsir Tarihi, I-II, DİB Yayınları, Ankara 1988. 28. Abdurrahman Çetin, Kur’ân İlimleri ve Kur’ân-ı Kerîm Tarihi, İstanbul 2012. 29. Muhsin Demirci, Tefsir Usûlü, İstanbul 2003. 30. Muhsin Demirci, Tefsir Tarihi, İstanbul 2008. 31. Kur’ân Yolu -Türkçe Meâl ve Tefsir-, Komisyon: Hayreddin Karaman, Mustafa Çağrıcı, İbrahim Kâfi Dönmez, Sadrettin Gümüş, I-V, Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı Yayınları, Ankara 2006.

ECTS credits and course workload
Event Quantity Duration (Hour) Total Workload (Hour)
Course Duration (Total weeks*Hours per week) 1 2
Work Hour outside Classroom (Preparation, strengthening) 2 8
Homework 1 8
Presentation (Including Preparation Time) 1 10
Time to prepare for Midterm Exam 2 10
Final Exam 2 10
Time to prepare for Final Exam 2 10
Total Workload
Total Workload / 30 (s)
ECTS Credit of the Course
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