Teaching and Learning Methods and Techniques
Study Materials
1. Week
Basic concepts of electricity and electronics, semiconductor technology
2. Week
Electron shells and orbits, N-Type and P-Type semiconductors
3. Week
PN junction (crystal diode) and structure of diode, diode characteristics, direct and inverse polarization in diodes
4. Week
The presence of the ends of diodes and robustness test, coding of diodes and transistors
5. Week
Diode types (connections, robustness test and experiments)
6. Week
Diode calculation in semiconductor materials and AC circuits
7. Week
Rectifier circuits, half-wave rectifier, half-wave rectifier mean value
8. Week
Full wave rectifiers, bridge type full wave rectifiers, average value in full wave rectifiers
9. Week
Half wave and full wave rectifiers (experiment)
10. Week
Trimmer circuits
11. Week
Docking circuits
12. Week
Zener diodes (characteristic, strength test, application areas and experiment)
13. Week
Zener voltage regulation circuits (circuit calculation and experiment)
14. Week
General repetition of the lesson