Teaching and Learning Methods and Techniques
Study Materials
1. Week
To introduce the course, explain the purpose of the course and why it was taught in insurance. Getting students` ideas about the most appropriate method to reach the goal of the course.
2. Week
Community structure (hunting, agriculture, industry, space) and social security relation
3. Week
From the beginning of the Middle Ages to the Industrial Revolution, social security and social structure relation,
4. Week
The industrial revolution, the reflection of the shift in production relations to social security,
5. Week
Social security in Europe from 1800`s until World War I
6. Week
Until the industrial revolution, social security in the Ottoman Empire, social security in the 1800s, the establishment of monopolies,
7. Week
I. Dünya Savaşı sonrası, 1929 iktisadî buhranı, New Deal, II. Dünya Savaşı Beveridj planı, sosyal devlet anlayışı
8. Week
Türkiye Cumhuriyetinde sosyal güvenliğin teşkilatlanması, SSK, Bağ-Kur, Emekli Sandığı, sosyal yardım kurumları, gönüllü kuruluşlar,
9. Week
The dangers covered by social insurance are the legal, economic, political aspects of social security,
10. Week
The cost of social insurance is covered,
11. Week
The reasons for the transition to the Social Security Institution,
12. Week
The international dimension of social security, multilateral agreements,
13. Week
Comparative social security, comparison of the system in our country with other countries,
14. Week
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