Teaching and Learning Methods and Techniques
Study Materials
1. Week
Economic Growth and Cycles: GDP, unemployment, modelling and policy.
2. Week
Macroeconomic Aggregates 1: GDP related aggregates, savings-investment balance
3. Week
Aggregate expenditures, IS-LM model, monetary and fiscal policy
4. Week
Aggregate expenditures, IS-LM model, monetary and fiscal policy
5. Week
Aggregate expenditures, IS-LM model, monetary and fiscal policy
6. Week
GDP equilibrium, Aggregate demand and supply, Alternative macro models, Inflation and GDP
7. Week
GDP equilibrium, Aggregate demand and supply, Alternative macro models, Inflation and GDP
8. Week
Open economy, Net exports, IS-LM-BP model, Dynamic AD-AS model
9. Week
Open economy, Net exports, IS-LM-BP model, Dynamic AD-AS model
10. Week
Consumption, Interst, Consumption and Investment Linkages
11. Week
Investment, MEC, Neoclassical and Tobin`s q theories, Stock Investment and Housing
12. Week
Money and Budget: Money demand, Quantity and Liquidity Preference Theories, Money Supply, Monetary policy tools, Government budget deficit, inflation and seignoraige
13. Week
Money and Budget: Money demand, Quantity and Liquidity Preference Theories, Money Supply, Monetary policy tools, Government budget deficit, inflation and seignoraige
14. Week
Economic Growth: Solow model, Endogenous Groth Models