Department of European Union and International Economic Relations, EU-Law Masters Programme follows a curriculum which focuses on gaining knowledge and skills on European Union’s current legal structure, this structure’s role within European integration process and political, economic and social background of the rules of that law. Programme provides specialization in substantive EU Law, in addition to institutional EU Law.

The table below provides the detailed information about the local grades and coefficients.

Score                    Grades                 Coefficients

90-100                  A                            4,00
85-89                    B1                          3,50
80-84                    B2                          3,25
75-79                    B3                          3,00
70-74                    C1                          2,75
65-69                    C2                          2,50
60-64                    C3                          2,00
50-59                    F1                           1,50
49 and below    F2                           0,00

The lowest grade to be successful in a course is (C1) 2,75. Required courses of program must be completed successfully. Elective courses may be replaced with another course.