About Program

Social work distance learning programme was launched in 2012. There are 5 professors, 4 associate professors in the department now. In the scope of the must and elective courses, courses such as Social Work Theory 1, Social Theory II, Social Work and Social Policy, Research Methods for Social Work, Career Planning for Social Work are being taught.


The purpose of the Social Work Program is to train professionals giving priority to the country needs, working with an approach adopted by national and universal values ​​, providing social improvement and social organization, demonstrating the power of social institutions and social policies. This specific distance-learning programme removes the obstacle of time and place using communication technologies and aims to reach individuals and social workers who do not have the opportunity for further education and personal development.

Summary of Program Outcomes

Graduates from this department have information about; human behaviors and social environment patterns, dynamics and consequences of poverty and oppression.

Education Language


Academic Staff

Associate Prof. Dr. Banu KAŞKATEPE
E-mail : Banu.Kaskatepe@ankara.edu.tr
CV :
Head of Sub-Department
Prof. Dr. Ayşe Sezen SERPEN
E-mail : asserpen@ankara.edu.tr
CV :