About Program

The Germanistics department, which proceeds its educational activities since the foundation of the faculty for language and history-geographie, is grounded on coextensive resarches, analysis and education of german literatures (german, austria, swiss literatures). After  the basic knowledges are thought  in preparation class, studies of literature science and linguistics are studied during eight semesters. In this perspective translation classes, history of language, literature seminars, medieval german, intercultural literature are analysed with examples and compared with the turkish literature.


It is aimed to teach students in the areas of history of german literature, german culture, linguistics and translation on  doctoral degree.

Summary of Program Outcomes

Recognizes the history and stage of German Literature and their distinctive formal and stylistic phases. Makes comperative investigation in Language and Linguistics studies. Makes comparative literary studies using the knowledge and skills related to German Language and Literature. Shares issues in written and oral examination and criticism related to German language and literature. Uses German language as an academic language in scientific research. Uses modern teaching techniques and methods in teaching German. Makes disciplinary and interdisciplinary studies.

Education Language


Academic Staff

Head of Sub-Department
Prof. Dr. Ünal KAYA
E-mail : unkaya@ankara.edu.tr
CV :