About Program

History (General Turkish History) Department of Doctoral Program will follow a training program to provide expertise in public Turkish history. Surely a source language in the educational process can read the source that contains information about Turkish history (Arabic, Farsi, Russian or Chinese) learns. This area of Central Asian Turkish history, the Middle East, the Caucasus, Iran and Egypt are involved in geography. The tribes of the dates associated with the Turks are taught outlined. But the issue discussed is essential to provide expertise on a subject.


Human beings, society and the environment-sensitive individuals grows with the material and moral qualifications required by the field.

Summary of Program Outcomes

Students who graduate from the program, to detect and understand Turkish history as a whole, based on the source of the historical journey of the Huns from Turkey and have knowledge. Depth expertise in any matter involved in this area of knowledge, analysis, synthesis and evaluation will have the ability.

Education Language


Academic Staff

Head of Sub-Department
Prof. Dr. Abdullah GÜNDOĞDU
E-mail : gundogdu@humanity.ankara.edu.tr
CV :
Head of Sub-Department
Prof. Dr. Selda KILIÇ
E-mail : skilic@ankara.edu.tr
CV :