About Program

Our department's base was laid within the settlement of the faculty. In thE department of indology, meaning india knowledge, we are focusing on philology and literature of sankrit language, known as the head of the languages collected under indian-european languages, the grammar, philosophy, religion, mythology, history, theatre history, science history of this rich sanskrit language, basing its root 1500 b.c. have been also searched. Moreover, hindi, one of the modern indian languages, is taught. Sanskrit language grammar, literature history and culture history related texts are detailly focused and translated into turkish in our ma and ph.d programmes.


To bring up skilled individuals who are supposed to have sufficient information about Indian poetry which has been developed from B.C. 1500 up to now, Indian theatre, Indian novel and styles of proses; howewer who know the historical, societal, economical, political, philosophical, scientific, literary development topics which ensure devising of these opuses: and who consider the scientific thinking style; utilize the informations and techniques with a broad way, creative and able to think critical, protect the public profits and thus who will work as an academician and an expert at Hindi Languages, literatures and cultures.

Summary of Program Outcomes

Indology prograMme leads to a very high level of language proficiency and pays a lot of attention to the student’s skill in research and analysis. The programme offers to the students mainly an insight in language, how to use both the spoken and written word (language proficiency) and thoroughly to get acquainted with the literature and culture. Graduates can start working in research and in education. They can also find work in tourism, Indian Ambassy, Public Relations as well as International companies are also possible career areas.

Education Language


Academic Staff

Head of Sub-Department
Prof. Dr. Kemal TUZCU
E-mail : ktuzcu@ankara.edu.tr
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Prof. Dr. Nevzat KAYA
E-mail : nevzat.kaya@deu.edu.tr
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Associate Prof. Dr. Yalçın KAYALI
E-mail : ykayali@ankara.edu.tr
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Associate Prof. Dr. Esra BÜYÜKBAHÇECİ
E-mail : ekokdemir@ankara.edu.tr
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