About Program

Paleoanthropology Master's Program examines the developments in global and Anatolian paleoanthropology to give students the most recent information. Along with it, it also creates opportunities for students to specialise in closely related skeletal biology, paleontology, paleodemography, paleoecology and forensic anthropology.


The aim of the program is to train expert paleoanthropologists to work in their branches. It also aims to educate individuals with detailed knowledge on prehistory and the history of humanity, along with people who can actively take role in excavations. Another purpose of the program is to educate students, who can evaluate the skeletal and fossilized remains and who can work in DVI (Disaster Victim Identification) teams. The Master's Program in Paleoanthropology also aims to educate future academics in this area.

Summary of Program Outcomes

Graduates of the program follow the recent developments in paleoanthropology and keep their information actual. They interact with related scientific areas and gain new insights about them. They also scrutinize new ideas scientifically and critically. They play an active rol in national and international projects, gain the ability to direct their education to their own needs. They can also share their ideas and knowledge with the society.

Education Language


Academic Staff

Head of Sub-Department
Prof. Dr. Ayla SEVİM EROL
E-mail : aerol@ankara.edu.tr
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Prof. Dr. Timur GÜLTEKİN
E-mail : tgultekin@ankara.edu.tr
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Assistant Prof. Dr. Seçil SAĞIR
E-mail : secilgung@gmail.com
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