About Program
Radio, Television Cinema Doctorate Degree Program enable students to gain proficiency in developing the theoretical knowledge in the field of communication, radio, television and cinema and provide them a deeper understanding of the field.
This Program aims to train the future scientists who can develop and investigate in the details of the therotical knowledge, can approach the new informations in a systematic manner, can develop and do an original research, can share the their own knowledge in a way that contribute to the national and international academic literature, can develop the new and original ideas and methods in thinking of creatively and critically, can transfer from the their own knowledges and the recent innovations of the field to the learning environments.
Summary of Program Outcomes
Graduates can improve and deepen the theoretical knowledge in the field of communication, radio, television and cinema at the level of research and expertise and can also develop the original thinking. Graduates can approach the new informations in a systematic manner in the field of communication, radio, television and cinema and have the ability to do advanced research of the own field.