About Program

Russian Language and Literature Ph.D. Program, is a program for students graduated from graduate schools of literature faculty and foreign language high schools.


Russian Language and Literature PhD Program is programmed to improve students' linguistic skills, technical and theoretical as well as academic/intellectual thoughts beyond the master's level.The teaching staff includes the most distinguished teaching staff of our country who continue their professional academic careers.

Summary of Program Outcomes

He is highly confident in his field, effective and competent in academic terms and possesses theoretical and practical knowledge about Russian language, literature, history and culture.

Education Language


Academic Staff

Head of Sub-Department
Prof. Dr. Mürüvvet Özlem PARER
E-mail : parer@ankara.edu.tr
CV :
Associate Prof. Dr. Zulfiya ŞAHİN
E-mail : sahinz@ankara.edu.tr
CV :