About Program

The compulsory courses that the program offers are Microbiology for Biotechnology, Molecular Cell Biology, Biotechnology and Genetics, Advanced Biotechnology Techniques and Bioinformatics. The students are given a chance to select courses according to their reserach area of interest among elective courses like PCR Based Genetic Analysis Approaches, Bioinformatic Analysis of Microarray Data and Applcations in Genetics, Basic Proteomic Analysis in Medicine, Plant Cell Biology and Epigenetics.

Since The Basic Biotechnology PhD program is an interdiciplinary program it offers the students opportunity to make a thesis about variety of topics like medicine, pharmacology, agriculture, environmental biology and molecular biology based on biotechnology.


The program was established to fulfill the need for manpower and experts in the field of biotechnology with domestic resources and to educate scientists who can keep pace with developments in all areas of biotechnology in the world.

Summary of Program Outcomes

The students graduated from this program have the ability to prepare and manage the projects in biotechnology area while have skills for finding solutions to problems related to biotechnology. They especially have knowledge about genetics, molecuar biology, microbiology, plant and environmental biotechnology and basic biotechnology. Meanwhile they are encouraged to gain competence for the transfer of their knowledge in biotechnology to industry through related elective courses

Education Language


Academic Staff

Head of Sub-Department
Prof. Dr. Erkan YILMAZ
E-mail : eyilmaz@ankara.edu.tr
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Prof. Dr. Nurullah SARAÇOĞLU
E-mail : saracoglu@ankara.edu.tr
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E-mail : hozdag@ankara.edu.tr
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Prof. Dr. Ali ERGÜL
E-mail : ergul@ankara.edu.tr
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Prof. Dr. Pelin MUTLU
E-mail : pmutlu@ankara.edu.tr
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Associate Prof. Dr. Bala GÜR DEDEOĞLU
E-mail : bdedeoglu@ankara.edu.tr
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Associate Prof. Dr. Arzu ATALAY
E-mail : aatalay@ankara.edu.tr
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Associate Prof. Dr. Nefise AKÇELİK
E-mail : nakcelik@ankara.edu.tr
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Associate Prof. Dr. Hasan İLHAN
E-mail : hsnilhan@ankara.edu.tr
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Associate Prof. Dr. Mürşide Dilek AYŞAROĞLU ERKAN
E-mail : mdaerkan@ankara.edu.tr
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Assistant Prof. Dr. Evren Doruk ENGİN
E-mail : edengin@ankara.edu.tr
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Lecturer Dr. Burcu YENER İLÇE
E-mail : byener@ankara.edu.tr
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Dr. Nevin BELDER
E-mail : belder@ankara.edu.tr
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