About Program
Explanation about the program: Educational Administration and Supervision program gets into the act under the department of Educational administration and politics. Although the department was called with different names since it was established;educational administration was called with this name since 1982. These are the conditions in order to registrate for the department:
1. Having a undergraduate degree on stated and declared fields (application condition)
2. Having required degree from postgraduate entry exam(a.c.)
3. Having adequate language skill for english
4. Being successful in the post garduate exam(registration condition)
The main purpose of educational administration supervision postgraduate programme is gaining a particular cognitive basic and scientific point of view about innovations and improvements at national and international level and the qualifications for discussing and producing solutions in this context of current problems.
Summary of Program Outcomes
Educational administration postgraduate programme graduate students shares qualified theoretical and applied datum of the field in their interdisciplinary studies at national/international level verbally or written by using their communication skills at the same time. They evaluate the innovations in the field of administration as multi-directional by using qualitative or quantitative quantification methods and tecniques. They take into considerations human rights, social, scientific and cultural values, democratical and ethical principles; have theoretical and applied knowledge; evaluate the current developments in terms of national values and the nation’s facts.