About Program

The programme was the first programme on Educational Technology in Turkey established at Ankara University Faculty of Educational Sciences in the department of "Curriculum Development". In 1997, in the department of Computer and Instructional Technologies Education, the programme was titled as "Educational Technology" and now, faculty consists of 3 Professors, 1 Associate Professors and 2 Assistant Professors. The courses in the programme include elective courses, obligatory courses and seminars & expertise courses.


In this programme, in relation to the Educational Technology, theoretical foundations of educational technology, teaching and learning approaches, distance teaching/learning, educational technology and communication, social media, integration of technology into teaching, human-computer interaction etc are taught. Also, it is aimed to train people who are sensitive to environmental and societal issues, who recognise the importance of education in development of the society, who adopt scientific approach and have ethical values, who use contemporary teaching methods, creative, productive and can conduct interdisciplinary research studies.

Summary of Program Outcomes

In relation to the educational technology and in the context of academic and professional development, technological, social and cultural advancement approach is adopted in the programme within the frame of scientific and ethical disciplines.

Education Language


Academic Staff

Head of Sub-Department
Prof. Dr. Ayfer ALPER
E-mail : aalper@ankara.edu.tr
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Prof. Dr. Nurettin ŞİMŞEK
E-mail : nsimsek@ankara.edu.tr
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Prof. Dr. Özlem ÇAKIR
E-mail : ocakir@ankara.edu.tr
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Prof. Dr. Hayriye Tuğba ÖZTÜRK
E-mail : tozturk@ankara.edu.tr
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