About Program

The program consists of theoretical and practical courses that provide ophthalmologists with the following features: the ability to do research on vision, machine vision and rehabilitation of low vision, to gain knowledge, skills and behavior, to follow innovations and put them into practice, to train in this field, to manage their teams.


It is a theoretical and applied doctoral program for vision physicians working in the field of vision rehabilitation and machine vision; The application aims to provide training on vision physiology,
artificial vision methods, rehabilitation of individuals with retinal implants and low vision patients,
 diagnosis and examination of low vision patients, selection of necessary vision aids according to the
 patient's current condition and needs, training and use of these devices.

Summary of Program Outcomes

This program is prepared for ophthalmologist who are interested in low vision rehabilitation and artificial vision.
The competence of this program is to educate doctors about: 
artificial vision methods, rehabilitation of patients with retinal implant,choosing and performing appropriate low vision aids according to the necessity of low vision patients, education of low vision patients about low vision aids 

Education Language


Academic Staff

Associate Prof. Dr. Banu KAŞKATEPE
E-mail : Banu.Kaskatepe@ankara.edu.tr
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Head of Sub-Department
Prof. Dr. Hüban ATİLLA
E-mail : hatilla@medicine.ankara.edu.tr
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Prof. Dr. Figen ŞERMET
E-mail : fbatioglu@gmail.com
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