About Program

The duration of the Journalism undergraduate program is four years, excluding the optional preparatory year. Students who are entitled to enroll in the program can start from the first year according to their own decision. The first two years of the program generally consist of courses that aim to provide students with social sciences and communication knowledge. Students can take elective courses starting from the second year. They would take journalism courses especially in the third and fourth years of the program. The bachelor's degree obtained from the program is equivalent to the international "BA" diploma.


To train journalists and communicators who are sensitive to society, people and social developments, are aware of the social importance and public responsibility of journalism, and who can perform their profession in a critical and creative manner in line with technological changes and social transformations.

Summary of Program Outcomes

Undergraduate program of journalism has the necessary competence both in theoretical and practical fields. It gives an importance to conceptualization of communication while mastering the ability to analyze institutions and practices related to this field.

Education Language


Academic Staff

Head of Sub-Department
E-mail : gyucesan@media.ankara.edu.tr
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Head of Department
Prof. Dr. Nurcan TÖRENLİ
E-mail : torenli@ankara.edu.tr
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Lecture Ahmet GÖRMEZ
E-mail : gormez@gmail.com
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