About Program

International Political Economy is a multi-disciplinary academic field that has been emerged in the 1970s to comprehend and analyze developments such as the collapse of the Bretton Woods System, relatively economic regression of the US, and the debt crisis of the Global South comprising recently politically independent countries, as well as newly emerging economic powers such as Germany and Japan. International Political Economy aims to interpret interactions between markets and politics by considering governments, corporations, financial markets, international organizations, and international regimes as well. International Political Economy is constructive instrument that allows us to see the reasons of such crisis which maintain its impact and consequences until today, and predict how it will cause transformation within political and economic order in the near future. Because of the fact that interdependence of states, the main actors of the international system, has deepened, we need International Political Economy perspective to comprehend the structure of international system and behaviors of the states. International Political Economy thus provides substantial theoretical and analytical perspectives that allows us to study Turkish political and economic cases, and Turkish foreign policy in this context as well.

We experienced many cases regarding the interaction between Turkey’s economic issues and the international affairs, and the concrete results over Turkish foreign policy in recent years. International Political Economy is located in the intersection between national economy and foreign policy, in addition to national and global developments as well. This field has evolved as a separate (post) graduate program and a field of inquiry focusing on international relations (IR) and economics related topics. Turkey’s economic issues that has experienced over the years are the parts of the main research interests of International Political Economy. 


This program has been developed by the academics from IR and economics with the multidisciplinary perspective and aims to the prospective students get acquiring specialization in foreign affairs in Turkey.

Summary of Program Outcomes

Graduates of the Programme have knowledge on history, basic features and dynamics of economics of the European integration. Graduates  have deep expertise knowledge and have skills of  analysis, synthesis and evaluation within this field. Graduates are able to work independently in this field and have the competence to take responsibility.

Education Language


Academic Staff

Head of Sub-Department
Prof. Dr. Çınar ÖZEN
E-mail : cozen@politics.ankara.edu.tr
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