About Program

Ankara, the capital of the Republic of Turkey, is the place where the civil and military bureaucracy is most intensely organized. It has become a necessity today for bureaucrats at almost all levels to go through a qualified and high-quality education process in order to defend Turkey's international theses through reason and science. Ankara, the city where bureaucrats work in many institutions and organizations from the Presidency to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism to the Ministry of National Education, from the General Staff to TIKA, is the most suitable city for conducting graduate programs with a predominant scientific aspect. In this way, civil and military bureaucrats who want to improve themselves will have the opportunity to continue their master's and doctoral programs where they work and live.


The aim of this program is to enable the candidates who have completed their undergraduate education to specialize in the Balkans and to teach Turkey's relations with the Balkan countries and the Balkan policy. On the other hand, it is to enable the candidates who will graduate as Balkan specialists to put forward new researches and theses by using the source language.

Summary of Program Outcomes

Candidates who graduate from the program will gain proficiency in their field. such as academic oral and written expression, informing the public.

Education Language


Academic Staff

Head of Sub-Department
Prof. Dr. Temuçin Faik ERTAN
E-mail : tfertan@ankara.edu.tr
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