About Program

Within the context of the Council of Higher Education’s reorganization of teacher training programs Preschool Education Undergraduate Program opened in 1997-1998 educational year and gave first graduates in 2002.  The language of the program is Turkish and the education period of the department is 4 years. Lectures are conducted both theoretical and practical. Preschool Education Undergraduate Program aims to train qualified preschool teachers regarding preschool children’s development.


The purpose of Preschool Undergraduate Program is training teachers who are modern and have democratic values, contribute the children’s individual development, know human and children’s rights, respect differences, have the ability of scientific thinking. Moreover, the program aims at training preschool teachers who can use theoretical knowledge learnt in the lectures in practice, know preschool children’s development regarding all areas, collaborate families who has active role on children’s lives, express emotions and ideas, plan activities to develop children’s potential, are creative, are researcher, willing to lifelong learning, can use information technologies and adapt them into area, open to collaboration with other disciplines and have high level of responsibility. Besides, while doing his/ her job regarding the benefits of the community, working for the development of community, guiding society about educate children by using his/her knowledge about preschool education are another aims of the Undergraduate Program.

Summary of Program Outcomes

Evaluates the importance and necessity of preschool education based on universal and national purposes. Uses the aims and principles of Turkish national education as base in all training practices. Prepares plans and practices considering the preschool children’s developmental characteristics and individual differences. Takes into account the necessary principles (such as safety, health, ethical values) while supporting the development and education of preschool children. Makes plans and practices to develop children's high-level thinking skills by taking into account different learning styles and using different approaches, methods and techniques. Collaborates with school, family and other stakeholders, considering the best interests of the child

Education Language


Academic Staff

Head of Sub-Department
Associate Prof. Dr. Müge ŞEN
E-mail : msen@ankara.edu.tr
CV :
Associate Prof. Dr. Nevra ATIŞ AKYOL
E-mail : naakyol@ankara.edu.tr
CV :