Course Information

Course Information
Course Title Code Semester L+U Hour Credits ECTS
WOMEN HEALTH AND DISEASES TIP5066 9 8 + 10 13.0 6.0


Language of Instruction Turkish
Course Level Bachelor's Degree
Course Type Compulsory
Mode of delivery
Course Coordinator
Goals To learn the knowledge about the basic practices in the field of Obstetrics and Gynecology, to gain the knowledge, skills and attitudes requiring for planning necessary examinations at the primary care level, interpreting the results and applying the basic treatment principles in line with them.
Course Content "Patient visits, and practice in outpatient clinics, delivery rooms and operating rooms; Introduction to the course; Female genital system anatomy; Menstrual cycle physiology; Menstrual cycle disorders and their management; Obstetric anamnesis and antenatal follow up; Pregnancy formation; Antenatal care and evaluation of antenatal well-being; Physiological changes in pregnancy; Anamnesis, examination, advanced examination principles and effective communication skills in gynecology; Normal birth and follow-up; Female sexual system development and its disorders; Amenorrhea; Puberty and its disorders; Preterm birth, premature rupture of membranes, postmaturity; Ectopic pregnancy" "Patient visits, and practice in outpatient clinics, delivery rooms and operating rooms; Hypertension during pregnancy, preeclampsia-eclampsia syndrome and their management; Family planning and contraception; Clinical management of systemic diseases in pregnancy; Abortions and their management; Teratogenity and TORCH infections; Prenatal screening and diagnosis, Multiple pregnancies; Prementrual syndrome and dysmenorrhea; Malpresentation, malposition and operative delivery; Rh incompatibility and non-immune hydrops fetalis during pregnancy; Fetal growth disorders; Amniotic fluid pathologies; Placental abruption, placenta previa and vasa previa" "Patient visits, and practice in outpatient clinics, delivery rooms and operating rooms; Polycystic ovary syndrome; Hirsutismus; Benign diseases of the vulva and vagina; Puerperium and puerperal infections; Infertility; Menopause; Nausea and vomiting in pregnancy; Sexually transmitted diseases; Pelvic inflammatory disease; Postpartum bleeding" "Patient visits, and practice in outpatient clinics, delivery rooms and operating rooms; Pelvic organ prolapse; Urinary incontinence; Postmenoposal bleeding-case discussion; Endometriosis, Pregnancy and diabetes; Female sexual function disorders; Endoscopy in gynecology; Premalign lesions and malign diseases of the vulva and vagina; Trophoblastic diseases; Uterin myomas, Chronic pelvic pain" "Patient visits, and practice in outpatient clinics, delivery rooms and operating rooms; Premalign lesions and cancer of the cervix; Cervical screening-case discussion; Hyperemesis-case discussion; Ethics in reproductive health; Non-epithelial ovarian cancers and their management; Acute pelvic pain-case discussion; Puerperal fever-case discussion; Postpartum bleeding-case discussion; Epithelial ovarian cancers and their management; Uterine premalign and malign tumours" "Patient visits, and practice in outpatient clinics, delivery rooms and operating rooms; Dysmenorrhea-case discussion; Pulmonary thromboembolus in pregnancy-case discussion; Hypertension in pregnancy-case discussion; Vaginal discharge-case discussion; Early pregnancy vaginal bleeding-case discussion; Dysparonia-case discussion; Infertility-case discussion; Contraception-case discussion"
Learning Outcomes 1) Takes gynecological and obstetric anamnesis using advanced communication skills in a patient presenting with pregnancy and/or genitourinary complaints, performs physical examination, selects appropriate diagnostic methods and manages the patient by interpreting the results.
2) Performs the antenatal follow-up of the pregnant woman.
3) Makes the differential diagnosis of high-risk pregnancies, and explains the management principles (making the first treatment, referring to the appropriate unit under appropriate conditions).
4) Shows the normal delivery steps.
5) Performs the care of mother after birth.
6) Makes the pre-diagnosis of obstetric and gynecological emergencies, and explains the principles of management (making the first treatment, referring to the appropriate unit under appropriate conditions).
7) Provides a counseling on reproductive and women's health, and makes the routine screenings and preventive medicine practices.
8) Plans the treatment at the primary care level for female genital system diseases, and prepares the prescriptions according to the principles of rational drug use.
9) Provides a consultancy on family planning methods.
10) Describes the epidemiology of common diseases related to the female genitourinary system, and applies the approaches to reduce their frequency, and primary care treatments.

Weekly Topics (Content)
Week Topics Teaching and Learning Methods and Techniques Study Materials
1. Week Introduction to the course; Patient visits/practice;Female genital system anatomy;Menstrual cycle physiology;Menstrual cycle disorders and management;Obstetric anamnesis and antenatal follow up;Pregnancy formation;Antenatal care and evaluation of antenatal well-being;Physiological changes in pregnancy; Anamnesis, examination, advanced examination principles and effective communication skills in gynecology;Normal birth and follow-up;Female sexual system development and disorders;Amenorrhea; Puberty and its disorders;Preterm birth,premature rupture of membranes,postmaturity;Ectopic pregnancy Lecture; Question Answer; Problem Solving; Discussion
Colloquium; Workshop
Case Based Learning
Activity (Web Search, Library Work, Trip, Observation, Interview etc.) Practice (Teaching Practice, Music/Musical Instrument Practice, Statistics, Laboratory, Field Work, Clinic and Polyclinic Practice) Internship
2. Week Patient visits and practice in outpatient clinics, delivery rooms and operating rooms; Hypertension during pregnancy, preeclampsia-eclampsia syndrome and their management; Family planning and contraception; Clinical management of systemic diseases in pregnancy; Abortions and their management; Teratogenity and TORCH infections; Prenatal screening and diagnosis, Multiple pregnancies; Prementrual syndrome and dysmenorrhea; Malpresentation, malposition and operative delivery; Rh incompatibility and non-immune hydrops fetalis during pregnancy; Fetal growth disorders; Amniotic fluid pathologies; Placental abruption, placenta previa and vasa previa Lecture; Question Answer; Problem Solving; Discussion
Colloquium; Large Group Discussion
Case Based Learning
Activity (Web Search, Library Work, Trip, Observation, Interview etc.) Practice (Teaching Practice, Music/Musical Instrument Practice, Statistics, Laboratory, Field Work, Clinic and Polyclinic Practice) Internship
3. Week Patient visits and practice in outpatient clinics, delivery rooms and operating rooms; Polycystic ovary syndrome; Hirsutismus; Benign diseases of the vulva and vagina; Puerperium and puerperal infections; Infertility; Menopause; Nausea and vomiting in pregnancy; Sexually transmitted diseases; Pelvic inflammatory disease; Postpartum bleeding Lecture; Question Answer; Problem Solving; Discussion
Colloquium; Large Group Discussion
Case Based Learning
Activity (Web Search, Library Work, Trip, Observation, Interview etc.) Practice (Teaching Practice, Music/Musical Instrument Practice, Statistics, Laboratory, Field Work, Clinic and Polyclinic Practice) Internship
4. Week Patient visits and practice in outpatient clinics, delivery rooms and operating rooms; Pelvic organ prolapse; Urinary incontinence; Postmenoposal bleeding-case discussion; Endometriosis, Pregnancy and diabetes; Female sexual function disorders; Endoscopy in gynecology; Premalign lesions and malign diseases of the vulva and vagina; Trophoblastic diseases; Uterin myomas, Chronic pelvic pain Lecture; Question Answer; Problem Solving; Discussion
Colloquium; Large Group Discussion
Case Based Learning
Activity (Web Search, Library Work, Trip, Observation, Interview etc.) Practice (Teaching Practice, Music/Musical Instrument Practice, Statistics, Laboratory, Field Work, Clinic and Polyclinic Practice) Internship
5. Week Patient visits and practice in outpatient clinics, delivery rooms and operating rooms; Premalign lesions and cancer of the cervix; Cervical screening-case discussion; Hyperemesis-case discussion; Ethics in reproductive health; Non-epithelial ovarian cancers and their management; Acute pelvic pain-case discussion; Puerperal fever-case discussion; Postpartum bleeding-case discussion; Epithelial ovarian cancers and their management; Uterine premalign and malign tumours Lecture; Question Answer; Problem Solving; Discussion
Colloquium; Large Group Discussion
Case Based Learning
Activity (Web Search, Library Work, Trip, Observation, Interview etc.) Practice (Teaching Practice, Music/Musical Instrument Practice, Statistics, Laboratory, Field Work, Clinic and Polyclinic Practice) Internship
6. Week "Patient visits and practice in outpatient clinics, delivery rooms and operating rooms; Dysmenorrhea-case discussion; Pulmonary thromboembolus in pregnancy-case discussion; Hypertension in pregnancy-case discussion; Vaginal discharge-case discussion; Early pregnancy vaginal bleeding-case discussion; Dysparonia-case discussion; Infertility-case discussion; Contraception-case discussion" Lecture; Question Answer; Problem Solving; Discussion
Colloquium; Large Group Discussion
Case Based Learning
Activity (Web Search, Library Work, Trip, Observation, Interview etc.) Practice (Teaching Practice, Music/Musical Instrument Practice, Statistics, Laboratory, Field Work, Clinic and Polyclinic Practice) Internship

Sources Used in This Course
Recommended Sources
Berek & Novak Jinekoloji. Ahmet Erk, Fazlı Demirtürk (Çeviri editörleri); Nobel Tıp Kitabevi.
Clinical Key (
Danforth’s Obstetrik ve Jinekoloji. Ali Ayhan, Çağatay Taşkıran, Polat Dursun (Çeviri editörleri); Güneş Tıp Kitabevleri.
Güncel Obstetrik ve Jinekoloji: Tanı ve Tedavi (Current). M. Bülent Tıraş, S. Cansun Demir (Çeviri editörleri); Güneş Tıp Kitabevleri.
Speroff Klinik Jinekolojik Endokrinoloji ve İnfertilite. Serdar Günalp (Çeviri editörü); Güneş Tıp Kitabevleri.

Relations with Education Attainment Program Course Competencies
Program RequirementsContribution LevelDK1DK2DK3DK4DK5DK6DK7DK8DK9DK10

*DK = Course's Contrubution.
0 1 2 3 4 5
Level of contribution None Very Low Low Fair High Very High

ECTS credits and course workload
Event Quantity Duration (Hour) Total Workload (Hour)
Course Duration (Total weeks*Hours per week) 6 25
Work Hour outside Classroom (Preparation, strengthening) 6 4
Midterm Exam 1 1
Time to prepare for Midterm Exam 1 8
Final Exam 1 2
Time to prepare for Final Exam 1 8
Total Workload
Total Workload / 30 (s)
ECTS Credit of the Course
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