Teaching and Learning Methods and Techniques
Study Materials
1. Week
Abolishment of the Sultanate (the reign of the abolition of the reasons and rationale-Abolition of the Sultanate Developments in the Post, the Announcement of the Republic, the first Parliament in the offense of the selection decision; People's Party's establishment, Ankara's Baskent Must
Lecture Debate
Presentation (Including Preparation Time)
Abolishment of the Sultanate (the reign of the abolition of the reasons and rationale-Abolition of the Sultanate Developments in the Post, the Announcement of the Republic, the first Parliament in the offense of the selection decision; People's Party's establishment, Ankara's Baskent Must
Lecture; Question Answer Debate
Presentation (Including Preparation Time)
2. Week
Proclamation of the Republic and Reactions; Abolishment of Caliphate (the Caliphate and the problem of the emergence of the Caliphate By Uninstalling Events)
Lecture; Question Answer Debate
Presentation (Including Preparation Time)
Proclamation of the Republic and Reactions; Abolishment of Caliphate (the Caliphate and the problem of the emergence of the Caliphate By Uninstalling Events)
Lecture Debate
Presentation (Including Preparation Time)
3. Week
Progressive Republican Party, and Sheikh Said Rebellion
Lecture Debate
Presentation (Including Preparation Time)
Progressive Republican Party, and Sheikh Said Rebellion
Lecture; Question Answer Debate
Presentation (Including Preparation Time)
4. Week
Free Republican Party and Menemen Incident; Inonu Ataturk-Separation
Lecture; Question Answer Debate
Presentation (Including Preparation Time)
Free Republican Party and Menemen Incident; Inonu Ataturk-Separation
Lecture Debate
Presentation (Including Preparation Time)
5. Week
An Overview of the Revolution and Target; Reforms carried out in law (Brief Assessment of the Ottoman legal system); Fundamental Organization Act of 1924; Adoption of the Turkish Civil Code; Recognition of Other Basic Law; Women's rights
Lecture Debate
Presentation (Including Preparation Time)
An Overview of the Revolution and Target; Reforms carried out in law (Brief Assessment of the Ottoman legal system); Fundamental Organization Act of 1924; Adoption of the Turkish Civil Code; Recognition of Other Basic Law; Women's rights
Lecture; Question Answer Debate
Presentation (Including Preparation Time)
6. Week
Revolution on Education and Culture; A Look at Early Childhood Education System of the Republic; Radically Changing the Education System: Unification of Law; Adoption of the new Turkish alphabet; New History and Understanding of Language; Darulfunun from the University of Istanbul; Fine Arts
Lecture; Question Answer Debate
Presentation (Including Preparation Time)
Revolution on Education and Culture; A Look at Early Childhood Education System of the Republic; Radically Changing the Education System: Unification of Law; Adoption of the new Turkish alphabet; New History and Understanding of Language; Darulfunun from the University of Istanbul; Fine Arts
Lecture Debate
Presentation (Including Preparation Time)
7. Week
Developments in the economic field; Late Economy; Turkey Economy Congress and results; Economic Activity of the Republic of the First Year; Transition to Practice Statism
Lecture; Question Answer Debate
Presentation (Including Preparation Time)
Developments in the economic field; Late Economy; Turkey Economy Congress and results; Economic Activity of the Republic of the First Year; Transition to Practice Statism
Lecture; Question Answer Debate
Presentation (Including Preparation Time)
8. Week
The Revolution made in the social life (Clothing and Finery me Modernization: Law on the hat worn; Tekke, Closing of convents and shrines, the International Clock, Calendar, Numbers, dimension and Week holiday Acceptance of, Surname Law on the Adoption; Developments in the Field of Health)
Lecture; Question Answer Debate
Presentation (Including Preparation Time)
The Revolution made in the social life (Clothing and Finery me Modernization: Law on the hat worn; Tekke, Closing of convents and shrines, the International Clock, Calendar, Numbers, dimension and Week holiday Acceptance of, Surname Law on the Adoption; Developments in the Field of Health)
Lecture Large Group Discussion
Presentation (Including Preparation Time)
9. Week
After the Lausanne Peace Turkey 1923-1930 (Population Exchange in Greek-Turkish Relations (Etabli problem of the Turkey-Iraq Determination Limit (Mosul Problem), Turkish-French relations, Turkish-Italian relations, Turkish -Sovyet Relations, Relations with Eastern States)
Lecture; Question Answer Large Group Discussion
Presentation (Including Preparation Time)
After the Lausanne Peace Turkey 1923-1930 (Population Exchange in Greek-Turkish Relations (Etabli problem of the Turkey-Iraq Determination Limit (Mosul Problem), Turkish-French relations, Turkish-Italian relations, Turkish -Sovyet Relations, Relations with Eastern States)
Lecture; Question Answer Debate
Presentation (Including Preparation Time)
10. Week
Second World War Round and Turkish Foreign Policy 1931-1939 (the League of Nations Introduction of Turkey, the Turkish-German Relations, Balkan Pact, Turkish-British relations, Montreux (Montreux) Straits Agreement; Sadabat Pact Hatay Issue)
Lecture; Question Answer Debate
Presentation (Including Preparation Time)
Second World War Round and Turkish Foreign Policy 1931-1939 (the League of Nations Introduction of Turkey, the Turkish-German Relations, Balkan Pact, Turkish-British relations, Montreux (Montreux) Straits Agreement; Sadabat Pact Hatay Issue)
Lecture Large Group Discussion
Presentation (Including Preparation Time)
11. Week
Kemalism and basic properties; Republicanism; Nationalism (Basic Characteristics of Turkish nationalism of Nations and Nationalism Thought Development by Ataturk); Populism (People's Concepts and Definitions for-Populism Populism Historical Development of Peoples and Populism by Ataturk)
Lecture Large Group Discussion
Presentation (Including Preparation Time)
Kemalism and basic properties; Republicanism; Nationalism (Basic Characteristics of Turkish nationalism of Nations and Nationalism Thought Development by Ataturk); Populism (People's Concepts and Definitions for-Populism Populism Historical Development of Peoples and Populism by Ataturk)
Lecture; Question Answer Debate
Presentation (Including Preparation Time)
12. Week
Statism (State and statism Definition-Ataturk Policy Framework by the State and statism Devletçilik- Investments in); Laicism (secularism Meaning and Historical Development-Ataturk and secularism); Reformist (reformism-Revolution (Revolution) What Ataturk and Turkish Revolution)
Lecture; Question Answer Debate
Presentation (Including Preparation Time)
Statism (State and statism Definition-Ataturk Policy Framework by the State and statism Devletçilik- Investments in); Laicism (secularism Meaning and Historical Development-Ataturk and secularism); Reformist (reformism-Revolution (Revolution) What Ataturk and Turkish Revolution)
Lecture Large Group Discussion
Presentation (Including Preparation Time)
13. Week
Ismet Inonu Period 1938-1950 (Ismet Inonu, the Presidential Early Years-Second World War and Turkish Foreign Policy-Second World War After Domestic Policy-Second World War in the Year Political Developments (1945-1950) -1945-50 Between the Years External Policy-Inonu End of the period
Lecture; Question Answer Debate
Presentation (Including Preparation Time)
Ismet Inonu Period 1938-1950 (Ismet Inonu, the Presidential Early Years-Second World War and Turkish Foreign Policy-Second World War After Domestic Policy-Second World War in the Year Political Developments (1945-1950) -1945-50 Between the Years External Policy-Inonu End of the period
Lecture Large Group Discussion
Presentation (Including Preparation Time)
14. Week
The Democratic Party Period 1950-1960 (First Yılları- DP ruling Korean Economic Crisis and 1954 elections in the first year and after the Turkey-Cyprus problem DP-1957 and DP in power the fall of Elections)
Lecture; Question Answer Debate
Presentation (Including Preparation Time)
The Democratic Party Period 1950-1960 (First Yılları- DP ruling Korean Economic Crisis and 1954 elections in the first year and after the Turkey-Cyprus problem DP-1957 and DP in power the fall of Elections)
Lecture Colloquium
Presentation (Including Preparation Time)