Course Content
Introduction to Programming Languages and C Programming Language, Sequential Structures ( A simple sequential program, character set, built-in C data types, variable declarations, constants, arithmetic operators), Expressions and Statements ( Evaluation of an expression, precedence and associativity rules, parantheses rule, assignment statements, increment and decrement operators, compound assignment operators, nested assignments, basic input/output library functions, type conversions, simple macros),Selective Structure (Logical operators, relational operators, conditional expression operator, conditional statements, nested conditional statements, dangling else problem, multiway conditional statements, switch statements), Repetitive structure (Pre-test loop structure, post-test loop structure, while statements, do-while loops, for loops, infinite loops, nested loops, loop interruption, null statement, comma operator), Function definition, local variable declarations, return statement, function call, call by value/reference conceptes, Function prototypes, external variables, storage classes, automatic/static variables, recursion, Basics, array declaration, accessing array elements, initialization, passing arrays as function arguments, Basics of pointers, pointer type declaration, pointer assignment and initialization, Functions and pointers, call by reference, arrays vs pointers, strings and pointers, string library functions, multi-dimensional arrays and pointers, pointer arrays, command-line aguments, dynamic memory management, Stucture definition, structure variable declarations, accessing members, structure assignments, nested structures, pointers to structures, structures and functions, Arrays of structures, Bitwise operators, precedence and associativity rules, left/right shift operators, bit fields, Pre-processors and File Operations.