Course Information

Course Information
Course Title Code Semester L+U Hour Credits ECTS
BASIC CHEMISTRY II CHM102 2. Semester 2 + 2 3.0 4.0

Prerequisites None

Language of Instruction English
Course Level Bachelor's Degree
Course Type Compulsory
Mode of delivery
Course Coordinator
Goals To give information about aspects of the basic concepts, laws and aplications of chemistry in a systematic and comprehensive way, to develop thinking and problem solving skills in chemistry, to determine the relationship between chemistry and other sciences and to show characteristics of chemistry area in overall structure of the civilization system.
Course Content Solids, Mixtures-Solvents, Chemical Kinetics, Chemical Equilibrium, Acids and Bases, Equilibrium in Aqueous Solutions,
Learning Outcomes 1) The student explains principles of X-ray diffraction method used to illuminate properties of the solids, crystal types, crystal structure of the solids.
2) The students teach the acidic and basic characteries of solutions
3) The student examines definitions of the concept of pH and calculations on the acid and base solutions, compares weak /strong acid/base concepts.

Weekly Topics (Content)
Week Topics Teaching and Learning Methods and Techniques Study Materials
1. Week Solids and crystal sepecies, unit cell, elucidation of crystal structure Lecture; Question Answer; Problem Solving; Discussion
Problem Based Learning
2. Week Solids and crystal sepecies, unit cell, elucidation of crystal structure Lecture; Question Answer; Problem Solving; Discussion
Problem Based Learning
3. Week Mixtures-Solutions: The nature of solutions, dissolution case, the concentration (molarity, molality, normality, mole fraction, mass fraction), colligative properties of solutions (vapor-pressure lowering, freezing point depression, boiling point elevation, osmotic pressure), colloids. Lecture; Question Answer; Problem Solving; Discussion
Problem Based Learning
4. Week Mixtures-Solutions: The nature of solutions, dissolution case, the concentration (molarity, molality, normality, mole fraction, mass fraction), colligative properties of solutions (vapor-pressure lowering, freezing point depression, boiling point elevation, osmotic pressure), colloids. Lecture; Question Answer; Problem Solving; Discussion
Problem Based Learning
5. Week Mixtures-Solutions: The nature of solutions, dissolution case, the concentration (molarity, molality, normality, mole fraction, mass fraction), colligative properties of solutions (vapor-pressure lowering, freezing point depression, boiling point elevation, osmotic pressure), colloids. Lecture; Question Answer; Problem Solving; Discussion
Problem Based Learning
6. Week Mixtures-Solutions: The nature of solutions, dissolution case, the concentration (molarity, molality, normality, mole fraction, mass fraction), colligative properties of solutions (vapor-pressure lowering, freezing point depression, boiling point elevation, osmotic pressure), colloids. Lecture; Question Answer; Problem Solving; Discussion
Problem Based Learning
7. Week Chemical Kinetics: Collisions of molecules and reaction speeds, leküllerin çarpışmaları ve tepkime hızları, temperature and reaction speed, reaction degree, catalyst, chemical kinetics (the first, second and third-degree reactions). Lecture; Question Answer; Problem Solving; Discussion
Problem Based Learning
8. Week Chemical Kinetics: Collisions of molecules and reaction speeds, leküllerin çarpışmaları ve tepkime hızları, temperature and reaction speed, reaction degree, catalyst, chemical kinetics (the first, second and third-degree reactions). Lecture; Question Answer; Problem Solving; Discussion
Problem Based Learning
9. Week Kimyasal Denge: Tersinir tepkimeler, heterojen denge, denge sabitleri, Le Chatelier kuralı, dengeye etki eden faktörler Lecture; Question Answer; Problem Solving; Discussion
Problem Based Learning
10. Week Chemical Equilibrium: Reversible reactions, heterogeneous equilibrium, equilibrium constant, Le Chatelier's rule, the factors affecting equilibrium. Lecture; Question Answer; Problem Solving; Discussion
Problem Based Learning
11. Week Acids and Bases: Acid-base definitions (Arrhenius, Bronsted-Lowry and Lewis definitions), force of acids and bases, neutralization. Lecture; Question Answer; Problem Solving; Discussion
Problem Based Learning
12. Week Equilibrium in Aqueous Solution: Dissociation and assosciation equilibriums, dissaciation equilibrium of water, pH, strong and weak acid and base solutions, buffer solutions, hydrolysis, dissolution-precipitation equilibrium (resolution, depressed condition, the common-ion effect). Lecture; Question Answer; Problem Solving; Discussion
Problem Based Learning
13. Week Equilibrium in Aqueous Solution: Dissociation and assosciation equilibriums, dissaciation equilibrium of water, pH, strong and weak acid and base solutions, buffer solutions, hydrolysis, dissolution-precipitation equilibrium (resolution, depressed condition, the common-ion effect). Lecture; Question Answer; Problem Solving; Discussion
Problem Based Learning
14. Week Equilibrium in Aqueous Solution: Dissociation and assosciation equilibriums, dissaciation equilibrium of water, pH, strong and weak acid and base solutions, buffer solutions, hydrolysis, dissolution-precipitation equilibrium (resolution, depressed condition, the common-ion effect). Lecture; Question Answer; Problem Solving; Discussion
Problem Based Learning

Sources Used in This Course
Recommended Sources
Genel Kimya I. Palme Yayınevi.Petrucci
Genel Kimya II. Palme Yayınevi.Petrucci
Temel Üniversite Kimyası; E. Erdik ve Y. Sarıkaya, Gazi Kitabevi, 2004.

Relations with Education Attainment Program Course Competencies
Program RequirementsContribution LevelDK1DK2DK3

*DK = Course's Contrubution.
0 1 2 3 4 5
Level of contribution None Very Low Low Fair High Very High

ECTS credits and course workload
Event Quantity Duration (Hour) Total Workload (Hour)
Course Duration (Total weeks*Hours per week) 15 4
Work Hour outside Classroom (Preparation, strengthening) 15 2
Presentation (Including Preparation Time) 20 1
Total Workload
Total Workload / 30 (s)
ECTS Credit of the Course
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Course Information