Teaching and Learning Methods and Techniques
Study Materials
1. Week
Definition of Course
2. Week
Scope and Problem of Sociology
3. Week
Sociological Imagination: Wright Mills and Sociology
4. Week
Modernity and Modernization Process
5. Week
Intellectual Dimension of Modernity: Enlightenment and Science
6. Week
The Political Dimension of Modernity: Nation-States and Society
7. Week
Midterm Exams
8. Week
The Economic Dimension of Modernity: Capitalism and Consumption
9. Week
The sociological imagination of modernity: Emile Durkheim and the division of labor
10. Week
The sociological imagination of modernity: Karl Marx and production relations..
11. Week
The sociological imagination of modernity: Max Weber and the Protestant Ethics
12. Week
Modernity, Time and Money: Georg Simmel
13. Week
Industrial and Social Problem
14. Week
Twentieth Century Societies: Late Modernity