Course Information

Course Information
Course Title Code Semester L+U Hour Credits ECTS
THEORIES OF COMMUNICATION ZAUL1201 3. Semester 2 + 0 2.0 5.0

Prerequisites None

Language of Instruction Turkish
Course Level Bachelor's Degree
Course Type Compulsory
Mode of delivery
Course Coordinator
Goals 'Communication Theories 1' course aims to enable students to comprehend the dimensions of the institutionalization of the field of communication by discussing and explaining the theories developed in the field of communication within the framework of general social theory.
Course Content The 'Communication Theories 1' course deals with and explains the theories developed in the field of communication within the framework of general social theory.
Learning Outcomes 1) Evaluates the development of mass communication research in the light of socio-political developments accompanying these developments.
2) Defines the communication area.
3) Defines the concepts of communication, mass and mass communication.

Weekly Topics (Content)
Week Topics Teaching and Learning Methods and Techniques Study Materials
1. Week Introduction

2. Week An assessment of concepts such as "communication", "communication and media studies", "means of mass communication" and "communication theory" and analyses of different periodisations and classifications of communication theory.

3. Week An assessment of concepts such as "communication", "communication and media studies", "means of mass communication" and "communication theory" and analyses of different periodisations and classifications of communication theory.

4. Week Early communication studies

5. Week "Two-step flow of communication, opinion leaders and limited effects" researches (Katz and Lazarsfeld)

6. Week Midterm Exams

7. Week Cultural Indicators and cultivation theory (Gerbner, Morgan and Signorielli)

8. Week Uses and gratifications theory (Blumler, Herzog, Katz, McQuail)

9. Week Uses and gratifications theory (Blumler, Herzog, Katz, McQuail)

10. Week Thesis related to "empire and communications", "the medium is the message" and "global village" “imparatorluk ve iletişim araçları”, “araç mesajdır” ve “küresel köy” tezleri (Innis and McLuhan)

11. Week "Cultural imperialism" and "media imperialism" theories (Schiller and Mattelart)

12. Week Propaganda Model (Chomsky)

13. Week Propaganda Model (Herman)

14. Week Final Exam

Sources Used in This Course
Recommended Sources
Fiske, John (2003). İletişim Çalışmalarına Giriş. 2. baskı. Çev. Süleyman İrvan. Ankara: Bilim ve Sanat Yayınları (“İletişim Kuramları” bölümü sf. 21-41.
Gitlin, Todd (2008). “Medya Sosyolojisi: Egemen Paradigma.” İletişim Çalışmalarında Kırılmalar ve Uzlaşmalar içinde. Çev. Hakan Tuncel ve Emek Çaylı. Der. Sevilay Çelenk. Ankara: De Ki Yayınları sf. 19-65.
Hovland, Carl I. Ve Walter Weiss 1992) “Kaynağın Güvenilirliği ve Haberleşmenin Etkinliği Üzerindeki Etkisi.” Kitle Haberleşmesi Teorilerine Giriş. Der. Ünsal Oskay. s. 237-259.
Lang, Kurt (2005). “İletişim Araştırmaları: Kökenleri ve Gelişmesi.” Kitle İletişim Kuramları içinde. Der. Ve Çev. Erol Mutlu. Ankara: Ütopya Yayınevi. sf. 27-41.
Mattelart Armand ve Michele Mattelart (1998). İletişim Kuramları Tarihi. Çev. Merih Zıllıoğlu. İstanbul: İletişim yayınları. sf. 29-45.
Mutlu, Erol (2005a). “İletişim Çalışmaları Alanına Aykırı Bir Bakış: Bir Üst-İletişim Olarak İletişim Çalışmaları.” Globalleşme, Popüler Kültür ve Medya içinde. Ankara: Ütopya Yayınevi. sf. 28-49.
Mutlu, Erol (2005b). “Kitle İletişim Kuramları ve Türkiye’de Basın-Yayın Eğitimi.” Globalleşme, Popüler Kültür ve Medya içinde. Ankara: Ütopya Yayınevi. sf. 50-74.
Noelle-Neumann, Elisabeth (2002). “Suskunluk Sarmalı Kuramı’nın Medyayı Anlamaya Etkisi.” Medya Kültür Siyaset. Der. Süleyman İrvan. 2. Basım. Ankara: Alp Yayınları. sf. 379-391
Stevenson, Nick (2008). Medya Kültürleri: Sosyal Teori ve Kitle İletişimi. Çev. Göze Orhon ve Barış Engin Aksoy. Ankara: Ütopya Yayınevi. sf. 299-308.
Swingewood, Alan (1996). Kitle Kültürü Efsanesi. Çev. Aykut Kansu. Ankara: Bilim ve Sanat Yayınları. sf. 17-29.

Relations with Education Attainment Program Course Competencies
Program RequirementsContribution LevelDK1DK2DK3

*DK = Course's Contrubution.
0 1 2 3 4 5
Level of contribution None Very Low Low Fair High Very High

ECTS credits and course workload
Event Quantity Duration (Hour) Total Workload (Hour)
Course Duration (Total weeks*Hours per week) 2 14
Work Hour outside Classroom (Preparation, strengthening) 6 14
Homework 1 10
Midterm Exam 1 1
Time to prepare for Midterm Exam 1 8
Final Exam 1 1
Time to prepare for Final Exam 1 8
Total Workload
Total Workload / 30 (s)
ECTS Credit of the Course
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