Recommended Sources
Adams, B. J. (2007) Forensic Anthropology, Chelsa House.
Bowers, C. M. (2004) Forensic Dental Evidence: An Investigator’s Handbook, Elsevier Academic Press,2004
Burns, K. R. (1999) Forensic Anthropology Training Manual”, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.
Duyar, İ., Pelin, C. Ve Zağyapan, R. (2004), Adli Antropolojik Olgularda Boy Hesaplanması İçin Yeni Bir Yöntem, Adli Bilimler Dergisi, sf: 54, Cilt:3, Sayı:1, Mart.
Grisbaum, G. A., ve Ubelaker, D. H. (2001). Analysis of forensic anthropology cases submitted to the Smithsonian Institution by the Federal Bureau of Investigation from 1962 to 1994.
Hancı, H, İ. (2002), Adli Tıp ve Adli Bilimler, Seçkin Yayıncılık San. ve Tic. A.Ş., Ankara, 2002.
Olivier, G., (1969), Practical Anthropology, Charles C. Thomas Publisher, Springfield, Illionis. Ortner, D.J. ve G.J. Putschar, (1985), Identification of Pathological Conditions in Human Skeletal Remains, Simithsonian Institution Press, Washington DC.
Pickering, R. ve Bachman, D. (2009) The Use of Forensic Anthropology, CRC Press.
References Brothwell, D. R. (1981) Digging up Bones, 3. Baskı, London: Oxford University Press.
Stewart T.D. (1979), Essentials of Forensic Anthropology, Especially as Developed in the United States, Springfield, Ill.: Thomas.
Szilvassy, J. ve H. Kritscher, (1990), Estimation of Chronological Age in Man Based on the Spongy Structure of Long Bones, Anthrop. Anz., 48 (3): 289-298.
Trotter, M. ve G.S. Gleser, (1952), Estimation of Stature From Long Bones of American of American Whites and and Negroes, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 10: 463-7514.
Ubelaker, D.H. (2000), A History of Smithsonian–FBI Collaboration in Forensic Anthropology, Especially in Regard to Facial Imagery, Forensic Science Communications, Volume 2, Number4.
Workshop of European Anthropologist, (1980), Recommandations for age and sex diagnoses of skeletons, Journal of Human Evolution, 9 (7): 518–549.