Occupational Profile of Graduates

Those who will graduate from the program will have employment opportunities in basically all sectors and activities related to electronic commerce. Electronic commerce has an important share in today's economy and the weight of this share is increasing day by day. Not only through electronic commerce companies, but also small-scale businesses are now trying to meet customers with their own efforts, both under the roof of large-scale enterprises and through social media tools. Electronic commerce does not only mean selling over the internet, it covers a wide spectrum such as web design, software, program and mobile applications development, market research, electronic customer relationship management and customer database. All of these; Electronic commerce, digital world, social media marketing, technology management, web design makes it more important for people who are well-equipped. For this reason, graduates will have the knowledge to independently do national and international trade on the Internet, as well as have the chance to have a profession in the above-mentioned departments of the companies.