Program Learning Outcomes

No PY No Program Requirements
1 ÜPY1 To raise creative individuals who are able to think critically and solve problems, constantly upgrade themselves in personal and professional fields, are environmentally conscious, respect diversity, and who use their knowledge and skills for the benefit of humanity and the country
2 ÜPY2 To carry out qualified interdisciplinary research that contributes to science and art at a universal level, respecting ethical values, on the path to becoming an innovative university
3 ÜPY3 Being the first university of the Republic, with the awareness of social responsibility, it provides services that are sensitive to the problems of the country, considerate the public interest, and contribute to the development and development of the country and the city in which it lives, as an employee of the kitchen of ideas.
4 BPY1 To have the ability to question, research, think deeply and produce knowledge about social phenomena in different dimensions
5 BPY2 Engaging in qualified scientific activities by publishing, especially graduate theses and articles, producing projects and participating in academic meetings, and presenting the resulting products to the public through different means
6 PY1 Understanding philosophical schools and the development of philosophical thought in various historical periods in depth.
7 PY2 Acquiring advanced skills in reading fundamental philosophical texts as well as in critiquing and interpreting them in original ways.
8 PY3 Conducting original research that enriches the literature of the history of philosophy and communicating the research outcomes in accordance with academic conventions.
9 PY4 Communicating complex philosophical concepts and debates to different audiences in a clear and understandable manner, both in writing and verbally.
10 PY5 Adapting and applying ethical theories to both past and present human and social issues.
11 PY6 Engaging philosophy in productive dialogues with other disciplines, asking new questions and developing new approaches that enhance interdisciplinary collaboration opportunities.
12 PY7 Embracing lifelong learning, fostering a lifelong commitment to philosophical inquiry, actively participating in academic and intellectual communities.
13 PY8
14 PY9
15 PY10
16 PY11
17 PY12
18 PY13
19 PY14
20 PY15