Program Learning Outcomes

No PY No Program Requirements
1 ÜPY1 To raise creative individuals who are able to think critically and solve problems, constantly upgrade themselves in personal and professional fields, are environmentally conscious, respect diversity, and who use their knowledge and skills for the benefit of humanity and the country
2 ÜPY2 To carry out qualified interdisciplinary research that contributes to science and art at a universal level, respecting ethical values, on the path to becoming an innovative university
3 ÜPY3 Being the first university of the Republic, with the awareness of social responsibility, it provides services that are sensitive to the problems of the country, considerate the public interest, and contribute to the development and development of the country and the city in which it lives, as an employee of the kitchen of ideas.
4 BPY1 Having in-depth knowledge and expertise in the fields of Science, Engineering, Agriculture, and Interdisciplinary studies, being able to effectively present acquired academic knowledge in both written and verbal forms in professional settings, acting with a sense of social responsibility to utilize knowledge and skills for the advancement of society and the country, possessing the ability to analyze new technologies and applications using lifelong learning, and being informed about innovative concepts
5 BPY2 The ability to conduct independent research, participate in national and international projects, emphasize environmental awareness in research, possess an entrepreneurial perspective, contribute to national technology and production by engaging in industry-focused projects, adopt ethical principles in research, undertake thesis work at a universal level, produce publications in journals with national and international recognition and high impact factors, and develop oral and written communication skills to enhance the recognition of our university on national and international scientific platforms
6 PY1 Analyzing events in the fields of Physics Engineering (optics, medical physics, material and solid state physics, physical electronics, mathematical physics, high energy physics, etc.) by effectively using graduate mathematics knowledge.
7 PY2 Examining and evaluating the literature related to the field at national and international level.
8 PY3 Doing literature research.
9 PY4 Using graduate knowledge effectively in analyzing a complex process or designing a device in the fields of Physics Engineering
10 PY5 Ability to use equipment used in studies in the field.
11 PY6 Developing research proposals based on the literature reviewed.
12 PY7 Determining how to use new methods and techniques in research and applications
13 PY8 Analyzing events in the fields of Physics Engineering by effectively using graduate electrodynamics knowledge.
14 PY9 Examining events in the fields of Physics Engineering by effectively using postgraduate quantum mechanics knowledge.
15 PY10 Determining a topic from the suggestions developed and preparing a report on this topic.
16 PY11 Discussing and presenting the research report prepared.
17 PY12 Using individual and team working skills in national and international projects
18 PY13 Following the developments of Physics Engineering in optics, medical physics, materials and solid state physics, electronics, mathematical physics, high energy and particle physics
19 PY14 Interpret the information obtained about the field in written and oral form
20 PY15 Compliance with ethical rules