Success score is evaluated out of 4.00. To be considered successful in the final exams, graduate students must get at least 2.75 out of 4.00. In master's programs, grades C1 and above are considered successful, and grades C2 and below are considered unsuccessful. The student must be successful in the courses taken from the compulsory or compulsory course pool in the program in which he/she is registered. If a non-compulsory course is failed, another course can be taken instead. Students can repeat courses in which they are successful in order to increase their overall academic success grade point average.
The letter grades are converted from the assessment result as follows:
The coefficients of letter grades and their equivalents on a scale of 100 points are shown below.
Scores Grades Coefficients
90-100 A 4,00
85-89 B1 3,50
80-84 B2 3,25
75-79 B3 3,00
70-74 C1 2,75
65-69 C2 2,50
60-64 C3 2,00
50-59 F1 1,50
49 and below F2 0,00