About Program

Today, when it is examined in terms of performance and recreation, it is seen that sport sciences are very closely related to the basic field of health and health sciences. Developments in health sciences, in particular, shed light on the study areas of sports sciences, and a two-way symbiotic relationship between sport and health sciences has been established. This relationship, which we have seen very beautiful examples all over the world, has been based on more personal struggle in our country in scientific platforms, and we have not come to the desired point between two fields in an institutional sense. In our country, studies related to physical education and sports, and sports science in our day have been evaluated in the field of social sciences. As a multidisciplinary field of sports sciences is associated with education, management and even engineering sciences, this application is very uncommon and today there is a need for a very special institutional structure and study scheme where the sports and health sciences are evaluated together, in-depth scientific studies are made and theses are produced . The institutional structure and working order mentioned is a system that is known, accepted and demanded all over the world since the very beginning in the international arena. With this program, it is aimed to sign innovations in this area in our country.


With this program, knowledge of sports physiology, anatomical, biological and biomechanical bases of sportive movements in sports physiology, athletic health, sports injuries, spore rehabilitation areas, know the factors threatening human health in sportive events and how to prevent them, to plan and implement exercises for health for all age, sex and health level individuals; it is aimed to train productive and research sports health professionals who can conduct in-depth researches on these issues. In addition, in the direction of development of sports technique and tactics aiming to increase the performance by selecting and directing the athletes who are qualified, researcher, productive, sportsmen who know the problems of sportsmen of all levels and who are looking for solutions for the problems of all levels and human movements, amateur and professional sports clubs and national teams, practices, and the use of scientific theoretical bases of sports in application areas.

Summary of Program Outcomes

With this program, knowledge of sports physiology, anatomical, biological and biomechanical bases of sportive movements in sports physiology, athletic health, sports injuries, spore rehabilitation areas, know the factors threatening human health in sportive events and how to prevent them, to plan and implement exercises for health for all age, sex and health level individuals; it is aimed to train productive and research sports health professionals who can conduct in-depth researches on these issues. In addition, in the direction of development of sports technique and tactics aiming to increase the performance by selecting and directing the athletes who are qualified, researcher, productive, sportsmen who know the problems of sportsmen of all levels and who are looking for solutions for the problems of all levels and human movements, amateur and professional sports clubs and national teams, practices, and the use of scientific theoretical bases of sports in application areas.

Education Language


Academic Staff

Associate Prof. Dr. Banu KAŞKATEPE
E-mail : Banu.Kaskatepe@ankara.edu.tr
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Head of Sub-Department
Prof. Dr. Fırat AKÇA
E-mail : fakca@ankara.edu.tr
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Prof. Dr. Cengiz AKALAN
E-mail : cengizakalan@hotmail.com
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