About Program

The concept of AI is rapidly integrating into our daily lives and learning based methods are utilized to render knowledge and data more valuable. Studies on AI are a collection of interdisciplinary works on Basic, Social and Engineering Sciences, that aim to equip computers with the abilities of thinking, interpreting and inferencing that are unique to humans.  These studies, will have a deep impact in issues on important areas such as economics and defence and cause a big paradigm shift in human lives. The programme is structured to support these substantial changes by gradauating leading experts with the knowledge of AI and learning and ability of employing this knowledge to produce solutions. 


The main objective of the program is graduating leading experts in every field that would understand, process and increase the value of data. Thus, the experts graduating from this program shall contribute  to the areas in information technologies; natiional AI technologies, AI based needs of defence technologies, analyzing effects of AI on society and developing policies on legal and public administration and realizing a nation wide digital transformation. Added economic added value, decreasing technological imports, providing experts and qualified work force on AI, developing novel AI based technologies in agriculture, animal husbandry, education, health  and investigating effects of AI on human life as well as conducting research on legal, philosophical and ethical aspects of AI for wider societal acceptance are also amongts the objectives of this programme. 

Summary of Program Outcomes

Graduates of this programme will be leading experts that possess medium to advance level knowledge on data analytics who will know the concept of AI and it contributions to societal and labor life as well as to science and conduct independent research on effects of AI on human life and legal, philosophical and ethical aspects. 

Education Language


Academic Staff

Head of Sub-Department
Prof. Dr. Asım Egemen YILMAZ
E-mail : aeyilmaz@eng.ankara.edu.tr
CV :
Assistant Prof. Şafak ETİKE
E-mail : safaketike@gmail.com
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