About Program
The Department of Audiology aims to train human resources with high social health awareness and lifelong learning as a principle in the prevention, detection and rehabilitation of hearing loss, protection of hearing health, detection and rehabilitation of disorders related to balance and dizziness. Audiologists successfully complete at least a 4-year Audiology education program and receive the title of "Audiology Diploma" and "Audiologist" and practice their profession. The undergraduate program teaches students how to properly address hearing and/or balance problems by providing high standards of knowledge, clinical service and research conditions. The program is conducted full-time in Turkish for 4 years and includes both theoretical and practical courses. Students undertake field and institutional internships, prepare reports, organize seminars and conduct research projects. For graduation, it is necessary to complete a course load of at least 240 ECTS and being a high school graduate is required for admission to the Audiology program.
The Department of Audiology aims to raise the human power to acquire the principle of prevention, detection and rehabilitation of hearing loss in infants, children and adults, protection of hearing health, identification and rehabilitation of equilibrium and dizziness related disorders and social health consciousness and lifelong learning.
Summary of Program Outcomes
This program includes both theoretical and practical information and evaluates, defines and offers solutions to hearing and balance disorders that may be congenital or acquired. It develops therapy and rehabilitation approaches in cases where individual, family and community health is affected and handles it respectfully, taking into account cultural differences, customs and traditions. Applies knowledge and skills in line with ethical principles and changes or terminates the process when necessary. It takes initiatives to protect public health and contributes to the creation of health policies. Provides patient service using interpersonal communication skills and adopts the principle of lifelong learning and personal development. Keeps records, prepares comments and reports, fulfills professional responsibilities and performs audiology practices. Recognizes the devices required for balance and hearing rehabilitation, performs tests and informs patients. Applies interpersonal ethical rules in subfields of audiology.