About Program

Specialists should be trained for identification of human remains to help law enforcement units and  prosecutors in criminal cases and in mass disasters. They are also needed for disaster victim identification teams. Forensic Anthropologist researchers, who are part of law enforcement in Europe and America, have a strategic importance in the process of solving all kinds of incidents in which human findings exist. Many cases where forensic anthropologists work (major transport accidents where people of different nationalities die) are carried out as processes involving researchers from different countries. Therefore, it is important to train forensic anthropologists with knowledge and experience at international standards to work in this field.


Forensic anthropology pHD programme aims to educate specialists who is capable of identifying the human remans from mass graves, can discriminate human remains from animal remains, is able to construct a biological profile from skeletons, can identify the cause of death, may give information about time of death. The graduates will have adequate information and experience to work in DVI teams. The training staff of the program is composed of experienced scientists who have been selected from different disciplines and have been employed in the field of forensic sciences.

Summary of Program Outcomes


Education Language


Academic Staff

Head of Sub-Department
Prof. Dr. Nebile DAĞLIOĞLU
E-mail : ndaglioglu@ankara.edu.tr
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