Course Information

Course Information
Course Title Code Semester L+U Hour Credits ECTS
HOTEL MANAGEMENT UTOİ1101 1. Semester 2 + 0 2.0 5.0

Prerequisites None

Language of Instruction Turkish
Course Level Associate's Degree
Course Type Compulsory
Mode of delivery Lecture, question and answer, discussion
Course Coordinator
Instructors Eda SELİMOĞLU
Goals To know the tourism and accommodation industry. Being able to comprehend the principles of establishment, investment, lending cost, financing and efficiency calculations of hotel enterprises. To be able to recognize management and management functions of hotel enterprises.
Course Content The History of the Mansion. Hotel Management and Properties, Classification of Hotel Establishments, Departments in Hotel Management.
Learning Outcomes 1) Tourism and hospitality industry, definitions and general properties
2) Management of hotels and management functions.
3) Definition and classification of hotel establishments

Weekly Topics (Content)
Week Topics Teaching and Learning Methods and Techniques Study Materials
1. Week History of hospitality, Hotel management

2. Week Classification of Hotel Administration

3. Week Food and Beverage Management in Hotels

4. Week Kitchen Administration in Hotel Management

5. Week Pubs in Hotels Management

6. Week Banquet Department in Hotel Management

7. Week Classification of food and beverage companies and Housekeeping department

8. Week Classification of food and beverage companies and housekeeping department

9. Week Laundry Department in Hotel Management

10. Week Technical services department in Hotels Management

11. Week Security Department in Hotels Management

12. Week Marketing Department in Hotel Management

13. Week Human resource department in Hotels Management and Hygiene in Hotel Establishments

14. Week Human Resources Department in Hotel Management and Hygiene in Hotel Management

Sources Used in This Course
Recommended Sources
Ankara Üniversitesi Uzaktan Eğitim Kİtabı
Modern Otel İşletmelerinde Yönetim ve Organizasyon (1997); Burhan Şener, Gazi Kitabevi
Otel İşletmeciliği (1996); Hasan Olalı, Beta Basım Yayım
Otel İşletmeciliği (208); Nazmi Kozak, Meryem A. Kozak, Murat Azaltun, Mehmet Sarıışık, Celil Çakıcı, Alptekin Sökmen, Cevdet Çetinsöz, Detay Yayıncılık – Ankara

Relations with Education Attainment Program Course Competencies
Program RequirementsContribution LevelDK1DK2DK3

*DK = Course's Contrubution.
0 1 2 3 4 5
Level of contribution None Very Low Low Fair High Very High

ECTS credits and course workload
Event Quantity Duration (Hour) Total Workload (Hour)
Course Duration (Total weeks*Hours per week) 14 2
Work Hour outside Classroom (Preparation, strengthening) 7 4
Midterm Exam 1 1
Time to prepare for Midterm Exam 7 4
Final Exam 1 1
Time to prepare for Final Exam 10 3
Total Workload
Total Workload / 30 (s)
ECTS Credit of the Course
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Course Information