Occupational Profile of Graduates

Graduates of the Program can work in institutions as Presidency of the Republic of Turkey, The Turkish Ministry of Justice The Turkish Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Services (Directorate General of Labour), The Turkish Ministry of Environment and Urbanization (General Directorate of Environmental Management ), The Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Directorate for European Union Affairs), The Turkish Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, The Turkish Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources - General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration (MTA), The Turkish Ministry of Internal Affairs, The Turkish Ministry of National Education, The Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism, The Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism – Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities (YTB), The Turkish Ministry of National Defence, The Turkish Ministry of Health (General Directorate of Health for Borders and Coasts of Turkey), The Turkish Ministry of Industry and Technology, The Turkish Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry(General Directorate of Fisheries and Aquaculture), The Turkish Ministry of Trade, The Turkish Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communication, The Turkish General Staff, The Turkish Naval Forces, The Turkish Naval Forces – Office of Navigation, Hydrography and Oceanography (SHOD), Multinational Maritime Security Center of Excellence (MARSEC COE), The Turkish Coast Guard (TCG), Istanbul and Marmara, Aegean, Mediterranean, Black Sea (IMAMB) Regions Chamber of Shipping, IMAMB Chamber of Shipping Izmir Branch, IMAMB Chamber of Shipping Kocaeli Branch, Mersin Chamber of Shipping, TMMOB Chamber of Ship Engineers (GMO), The Chamber of Marine Engineers (GEMİMO), Union of Turkish Bar Associations (TBB), Ankara Bar Association, Istanbul Bar Association – Maritime Law Commission, Istanbul Bar Association – Transport Law Commission, Izmir Bar Association, The Turkish Shipowners’ Union, The Turkish Shipbuilders’ Association (GİSBİR), Seafarers’ Union of Turkey, Maritime Federation of Turkey (TURDEF), Turkish Oceangoing Ship Captains’ Association, Turkish Maritime Pilots’ Association, Port Operators’ Association of Turkey (TURKLIM), The Coaster, Shipowners and Operators’ Association (KOSDER), Maritime Association of Shipowners and Agents, Turkish Maritime Law Association, Turkish Marine Research Foundation (TÜDAV), Koç University – Maritime Forum (KÜDENFOR), Turkish Petroleum Corporation (TPAO), Turkish P & I Insurance Company Inc. (TURK P&I), Turkish Maritime Education Foundation (TUDEV), Council of Higher Education (YÖK), The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK), Gendarmerie and Cost Guard Academy, Justice Academy of Turkey, Polar Research Institute, Bahçeşehir University – Research Center for the Turkish Straits (BAUTURBAM) etc. and also can work as academicians at the Universities.