Program Learning Outcomes

No PY No Program Requirements
1 ÜPY1 To raise creative individuals who are able to think critically and solve problems, constantly upgrade themselves in personal and professional fields, are environmentally conscious, respect diversity, and who use their knowledge and skills for the benefit of humanity and the country
2 ÜPY2 To carry out qualified interdisciplinary research that contributes to science and art at a universal level, respecting ethical values, on the path to becoming an innovative university
3 ÜPY3 Being the first university of the Republic, with the awareness of social responsibility, it provides services that are sensitive to the problems of the country, considerate the public interest, and contribute to the development and development of the country and the city in which it lives, as an employee of the kitchen of ideas.
4 BPY1 To develop researches in line with the principles specified in the Faculty's founding law
5 BPY2 Providing services by knowing the history of the faculty and its own branch
6 PY1 Having knowledge of terminology related to the field of Information and Records Management; comprehending the concepts of the field and describes the relationships between the relevant concepts.
7 PY2 Having the ability to evaluate and distinguish the structural and managerial features of information organizations such as libraries, archives, documentation and information centers.
8 PY3 Having extensive knowledge and historical perspective about the social, economic and cultural roles of information centers in socialization of knowledge.
9 PY4 Recognizing, identifing, evaluating and selecting information sources in all formats in the context of information and records management; Identifing, describing and organizing all kinds of mediums on which information is recorded and transmitted in digital formats as text, audio and image
10 PY5 Evaluating theoretical and philosophical approaches to collecting, processing, storing and putting the information sources and records into service; maintaining the process and uses relevant systems and tools
11 PY6 Producing user-oriented solutions for the design of systems and services in context of information and document records management
12 PY7 Recognizing and evaluating all kinds of information retrieval systems; having the ability to retrieve information selectively (search, find, evaluate)
13 PY8 Creating information literacy services and programs for individuals the reintegration of information literate individuals to society; evaluating relative processes
14 PY9 Having skills of critical thinking and problem solving
15 PY10 Recognizing principles of professional ethics and cultural, scientific, social values, human rights and democracy for the availability of information
16 PY11 Having knowledge about the basic concepts, principles and approaches of scientific research and about the research process; having the ability to use statistical methods to utilize in providing for improvement and effectiveness of the services and for decision-making processes.
17 PY12 Maintaining records management practices; determining, implementing and executing appropriate procedures and techniques in accordance with rules, regulations and standards
18 PY13 Having English language and Ottoman Turkish language skills that support professional activities at a satisfactory level
19 PY14 Having comprehensive knowledge about standards, legal arrangements and ethic codes in the field of information and records management; in this context, creating and develops business processes related to the information/records management system in an organization
20 PY15