Program Learning Outcomes

No PY No Program Requirements
1 ÜPY1 To raise creative individuals who are able to think critically and solve problems, constantly upgrade themselves in personal and professional fields, are environmentally conscious, respect diversity, and who use their knowledge and skills for the benefit of humanity and the country
2 ÜPY2 To carry out qualified interdisciplinary research that contributes to science and art at a universal level, respecting ethical values, on the path to becoming an innovative university
3 ÜPY3 Being the first university of the Republic, with the awareness of social responsibility, it provides services that are sensitive to the problems of the country, considerate the public interest, and contribute to the development and development of the country and the city in which it lives, as an employee of the kitchen of ideas.
4 BPY1 To train individuals who can follow the innovations in their field of work, transfer this knowledge to their profession, and use information and communication technologies at the level required by their field.
5 BPY2 Fulfills his responsibilities as a team member in his professional relationships, knows the legislation related to his field and the ethical rules to be followed; At the same time, to train individuals who have sufficient awareness about occupational health, safety and environmental protection related to their profession.
6 PY1 Identifing pests, weeds and beneficial organisms commonly seen in agricultural areas at microscopic and macroscopic levels, determining prevalence and damage / benefit levels
7 PY2 Knowing the techniques and applications of agricultural control methods against diseases, pests and weeds in cultivated plants
8 PY3 Having general knowledge about sowing, planting, irrigation, fertilizing, spraying, harvesting etc. in crops and mechanization of these applications
9 PY4 Evaluating the interaction of pesticides with humans and environment by establishing cause-effect relationships and developing solutions using breeding and control techniques that will cause minimal harm to humans and nature
10 PY5 Taking responsibility as a team member in solving unforeseen problems encountered while carrying out a study related to the field. Performing the work independently if necessary
11 PY6 Developing a positive attitude towards lifelong learning with the knowledge and skills acquired in the field of plant protection
12 PY7 Knowing the ways of reaching information and using them effectively
13 PY8 "Sharing solution and recommendation with people who are experts in the subject or not on plant diseases, pests and weeds diagnosis, harms, biology and control by using Turkish or a foreign language (at a basic level) "
14 PY9 "Following-up recent events and developments by using information and communication technologies required by the field of study "
15 PY10 Acting in accordance with scientific, cultural and ethical principles associated with professional duties and responsibilities
16 PY11 Gaining competence in collecting data about plant protection concepts and principles, analyzing results and transferring them to practice
17 PY12 Having sufficient awareness about the universality of social rights, social justice, quality culture and protection of cultural values, environmental protection, occupational health and safety