Program Learning Outcomes

No PY No Program Requirements
4 BPY1 To raise creative individuals who are able to think critically and solve problems, constantly upgrade themselves in personal and professional fields, are environmentally conscious, respect diversity, and who use their knowledge and skills for the benefit of humanity and the country.
5 BPY2 To carry out qualified interdisciplinary research that contributes to science and art at a universal level, respecting ethical values, on the path to becoming an innovative university.
6 PY1 Being the first university of the Republic, with the awareness of social responsibility, it provides services that are sensitive to the problems of the country, considerate the public interest, and contribute to the development and development of the country and the city in which it lives, as an employee of the kitchen of ideas.
7 PY2 To gain the ability to conduct independent and original research by using advanced techniques and methods in interdisciplinary fields
8 PY3 Training scientists and professionals with national/international professional and academic standards based on a contemporary, active and participatory education approach
9 PY4 To train individuals who comprehend the relationships between various disciplines and sub-fields such as Forensic Medicine, Law, Clinical Psychology, Sociology, which are related to Forensic Psychology, have the principle of interdisciplinary work and can lead different disciplines when necessary.
10 PY5 To produce new studies for our country by following the latest developments in the field of forensic psychology in the world.
11 PY6 To train graduates who integrate theoretical knowledge in the field of forensic psychology with a critical approach to practice.
12 PY7 To gain the ability to systematically transfer current developments in the field and their own studies to groups in and out of the field in written, oral and visual form by supporting them with quantitative and qualitative data.
13 PY8 To gain the ability to transfer forensic psychology and related studies in academic and professional environment and to gain the ability to communicate with colleagues at home and abroad.
14 PY9 Raising individuals who have cultural, scientific and ethical values.
15 PY10 To educate individuals who are competent in examining the effects of verbal, psychological and physical violence on victims.
16 PY11 To train professionals who have knowledge about child and adult psychopathology and use their knowledge about child and adult psychopathology while conducting forensic research.
17 PY12 To train students who have the knowledge of personality assessment in children and adults and who can use psychological measurement tools.
18 PY13 To train professionals who have knowledge about crime and criminal psychology, criminal orientation and risk of crime, crime prevention and intervention, theories of crime, various types of crime, characteristics of criminals, characteristics of victims and crime prevention.
19 PY14 Doing evidence-based science.
20 PY15 Providing trainings to different professional groups related to the field.
21 PY16 Developing new approaches and policies to solve the problems encountered in the applications related to Forensic Psychology and gaining the competence to take responsibility and produce solutions.
22 PY17 To support the development of policies for the psychological conditions of criminals and victims by putting forward ideas that will ensure the development of psychology in the forensic field and to lead other stakeholders in these studies.
23 PY18 To train students who can develop strategies, policies and implementation plans on issues related to their field and evaluate the results obtained within the framework of quality processes.