Occupational Profile of Graduates

Graduates from the PhD programme in Field Crops Department have employment opportunities at;

1.Universities and Vocational Schools as faculty members,

2.All departments of the provincial and district directories of Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock,

3. Especially, all research institutes attached to of Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock,

4.General Directorate  of Agricultural Enterprises,

5.Agricultural Credit Cooperatives

6. Public and private seed companies,

7.Public and private organizations involved in organic farming activities,

8.All public and private sector institutes and organizations involved in activities related to agronomy and breeding of field crops, their storage and marketing,

9.All agriculture based industries (confectionary, beer, textile, oil, sugar, starch, feed, etc) operated in public and private sectors,

10. Chambers of agriculture and cooperatives as agricultural engineer, consultant or technical staff.